nothing libellious please!
What jw scandals have there been in your area?
by badboy 14 Replies latest jw friends
Scandals in my area?
Where I live, the witnesses go from house to house and try to gain that's scadalous!
I mean money/sex etc
I mean money/sex etc
A few months, ago a PO was convicted of sexual abuse in which 3 individuals of seperate occasions were involved. I've been told there are others that will also testify. This incident was in Red Bluff Calif.....near the area I live in.
Any more scandals 4 any more scandals!
About seven or eight years ago, approximately 8 people left the local congregation, believing it was not "the truth". Believe it or not, that was a HUGE scandal. (2 elders, an MS, and families)
Before that, the one I was scandalized by was, when my former pioneer partner, aged 40 something, married the 20 year old son of one of our friends. They are now getting a divorce. He is 28 and is trying to get money from her (she is pretty well off.............a trust fund and all) to go to college. She wanted the divorce, and he didn't. She was removed as a pioneer. I think he will get the money. He me, she robbed him of some of his best years, and then dumped him.
So many i do not know where to town and nearby,
We have child abuse,Elders running off with sisters,dodgy dealings,tax evasion,incest,flashers,suicides,mental breakdowns,pervy brothers,
Pornogaraphic literature,Nazi like letters,threatening to kill.(police involved with this one).It goes on and on ,and the average JW knows nothing.or is bound to secrecy,for the sake of Jehovah's name.I lived under a rock as JW,did not get involved and anything going on was not talked about or put to one side.When i left and staretd to question more.boy oh boy did i discover some shocking things.
By the way i also have heard similar from the churches,and i now attend a Church,it seems scandals are everywhere.
Seems like there was a case around here where a JW was taking care of an elderly woman and stole all her money. It was in the newspaper, I even think it was an elder. Now in jail.
Within a 125 miles or so, there's been murder, rape, embezzelment, and what might be termed the more "usual" sins of dumping a marriage mate and taking off with another's.
Many of the above are common knowledge.
When I first became an appointed elder, I was totally blown away by the stuff that was going on that WAS NOT KNOWN or NOT COMMON KNOWLEDGE, but that were major scandals that had not managed to leak out.
I think the fact that Witness congregations have seen such/much scandal, proves that despite what Witnesses think about themselves as being "better" and "above" the average human, they are in fact much like everyone else, perhaps even MORE INCLINED to some kinds of evil (no hell-fire to make them pause, etc.), there's not a surprise that a percentage of Witnesses wind up committing crimes, including disgusting and perverted ones.
My two cents.
This happened many, many moons ago, in the Bronx, NY.
There was a kingdom hall that was being used as a brothel, apparently the pioneer sisters were delivering more than just mags, and the elders were their pimps.
This did get some newspress, but like I said, it was a long time ago. It was so bad that their was no growth in that area and the JW's were a joke among the community. The Society bulldozed the Kingdom Hall, after DFing just about everyone.