Elder asks my disfellowshipped cousin to leave house while grieving for his grandmother

by RULES & REGULATIONS 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Fourteen years ago I started a thread on how horrible my disfellowshipped cousin was treated after his mom passed away and the terrible actions on the part of the elders at the funeral home.


    Horrible conduct by congregation Elders at my cousin's funeral.............

    Well, here we are 14 years later, and things haven't changed!

    My aunt ( who is my disfellowshipped cousin's grandmother ) was placed in home hospice care. The nurse told her daughters ( who are Jehovah's Witnesses and live with their mother ) that their mom probably has 2 days left to live and that they should call the immediate family.

    My disfellowshipped cousin and his sister show up in the early morning. My aunt passes away within hours. I show up and see both of them holding their grandmother's hand. I go home to pick up my wife.

    While I'm driving home, a congregation elder is called to come to the home, to give a prayer and wait with the family for a nurse to show up and declare my aunt deceased.

    The elder arrives at the home and finds my disfellowshipped cousin in the house. He gets so bent out shape and uncomfortable, that he asks that my disfellowshipped cousin be removed from the house. One daughter says he can stay and the other daughter says he should leave. My disfellowshipped cousin decides to leave, since he is ready to punch and injure the elder. His sister screams at the elder that he should be the one leaving, since he is so uncomfortable. She tells the elder that she is disgusted to hear him ask her brother to leave while they are grieving for their grandmother. The elder doesn't care, nor offers an apology for his behavior.

    Only in the land of Jehovah's Witnesses will you find this disgusting and heartless behavior!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Who I have in MY home is my business PERIOD. In this case it is also "necessary family business "

    Way out of line.

  • wannaexit

    I am so sorry for your loss Rules and I am so very, very sorry for the treatment your cousin is enduring. Please tell him that.

    This is so utterly cold and and devoid of any humanity. And yet, David Gnam, lawyer for the Canadian branch told the Supreme Court of Canada that when it comes to dealing with disfellowshipped individuals "normal family relations continue". I wonder what this asshole idiot elder would say if someone pointed out what David Gnam said.

  • Chevelle

    That's horrible. Probably fueled by Anthony Morris' recent hate speech. So sorry your cousin had to go through all that hate again.

  • joe134cd

    I’d love to see that lawyer, David Gnam, lose his law license. Does anybody know if anybody has laid a complaint about him.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Ive witnessed simliar disgusting behaviour of elders overstepping personal boundaries regarding funerals.

    No one has any business defining the relationship you had with the deceased. Its between you and them.

  • punkofnice
    The elder doesn't care, nor offers an apology for his behavior.

    ...and that says it all.

    It sums up how the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), have had their abusive attitude trickle down to the congregations(tm).

    I wonder how he'd feel if/when he finds out the Organisation(tm) is just a cash cow for the CEOs and only a big business pretending to be a religion?

    Disgusting behaviour by a dim-witted pawn of the big business.

    And yet, David Gnam, lawyer for the Canadian branch told the Supreme Court of Canada that when it comes to dealing with disfellowshipped individuals "normal family relations continue".

    Attorney David Gnam should be disbarred after lying to the Supreme Court of Canada. He doesn't mention that the disfellowshipped individuals need to sit in the back of the Kingdom Hall, leave before the meeting ends and cannot freely walk around.

    My cousin took a hidden video recording of the verbal confrontation she had with this asshole elder. She confronts the elder after her brother is made to leave the house.

    Since it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge, I will not post the video. I will summarize it the best that I can.

    My cousin: '' I just found out that you made my brother leave the house because you were uncomfortable having my brother around.''

    Elder : '' I did.''

    My cousin: '' Why did you make my aunt who just lost her mother make my brother leave. Why didn't go ask him to leave?''

    Elder: '' It's not my house.''

    My cousin: ''If you felt so uncomfortable, why didn't you leave?''

    Elder : ''Jehovah's law says...''

    My cousin : '' I don't care about any law. I'm disgusted with you.''

    Elder: '' Have a nice day.''

    My cousin : '' God bless you.''

  • TonusOH

    When you elevate men to a position of authority with little or no training in how to handle the responsibilities, this is what you get. A man who probably knows what the right thing to do is, but thinks that throwing someone out of his dead grandmother's home is the 'acceptable' option that will get him the least amount of blowback if it becomes a scandal. And the worst part? The part where the sisters are taking opposite sides on this, due to the shunning policy. This has the potential to create a rift and leave many different scars, that will last a long time.

    In short, bad policy and poor/nonexistent training = horrible situations like this.

  • Biahi

    This elder has lost his humanity. I hope the still in family members wake up, due to his unloving, unchristian behavior.

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