Well that's sort of related to the next talk on our program brother Jeffrey Jackson will discuss the theme don't be surprised by sudden changes, brother Jeff you have our
attention well I'm sure we all agree
with this fact in recent years there
have been a lot of
changes even since the last annual
meeting there have been many changes
some of them perhaps are a little
surprising or may seem to be sudden but
you know brothers and sisters when we
look back on how these changes have come
we can see that Jehovah has gradually
prepared us for each of these
adjustments and changes let's review
some of the recent changes we've
had what changes have we seen with
regard to our understand understanding
of Bible teachings at the 2021 annual
meeting we received an adjusted
understanding of John 529 it was
explained that the resurrection of
judgment will not be a judgment of
condemnation rather it will be more like
a period of
probation the unrighteous mentioned at
24:15 will have an opportunity to gain
everlasting life but their names will
not be written WR in The Book of Life at
the time of their
Resurrection to have their names
eventually written in that book these
ones will need to respond positively to
the great educational work that will
take place during the Thousand-Year
Reign then at the annual meeting in
2023 we gained enhanced insight into
what we do know and what we don't know
concerning Jehovah's
judgments we learned that the door of
opportunity for people to take a stand
for the kingdom does not shut when the
Great Tribulation starts with the
destruction of false religion at that
time perhaps some will be like the
Egyptians in Moses day who took a last
minute stand and joined the Exodus of
people at the same annual meeting we
adjusted our views with regard to
Jehovah's judgments of those who died in
the flood and those who were destroyed
in Sodom and Gomorrah
also at that annual meeting an
adjustment was made regarding the
reporting of our time and activity in
our preaching work instead of focusing
on reports we try to make good use of
every opportunity to
witness then we receive the 2024
governing body update number
two in that update we saw the need to
adjust how we interact with those who
have committed serious sins and have
been removed from the congregation
what other major adjustments have we
recently seen in our preaching work the
emphasis now is on studing Bible studies
and making disciples not on Distributing
literature to that end the focus is on
studying meaningful
conversations not just on using
presentations were you surprised by
these adjustments perhaps so but as we
look back we see how one adjustment in
understanding gradually helped us with
the next
adjustment isn't it true that gradually
Jehovah has prepared us and when we look
back on it we see how logical this
training has been to refine our
understanding but events in the world
likewise have
changed it's true sometimes in the world
you have sudden changes for example the
but often times change in the world is
gradual isn't it true with regard to the
view of morality homosexuality
abortion even what's acceptable and not
acceptable with regard to conduct all of
that has happened gradually in the world
and it's not until you look back and see
how different the world is today with
regard to those matters that we see that
there have been a lot of
changes but this can be dangerous
because as things gradually change we
may get used to gradual change and
forget that there are some sudden
changes about to
occur uh let's take our Bibles please
and if you turn with me to the Book of
Luke chap
21 now this is an example of Sudden
Change in Luke chap 21 uh notice there
in verse 34 the words of our Lord Jesus
are recorded and he said in verse 34 but
pay attention to yourselves that your
hearts never become weighed down with
oving and heavy drinking and anxieties
of life and
suddenly that they be
instantly upon
you it's interesting to note that Jesus
had already said that this day he was
referring to would occur at a time that
we don't think is
likely so what lesson do we learn from
what Jesus said it's a warning isn't it
that we can't just sit back and think
well things are gradually going to
develop we know which way it's going and
maybe it's not going to happen yet you
know got a little bit more wiggle room
there with regard to the
schedule but you see that's dangerous
thinking now what we're going to do is
consider two examples of areas where
perhaps we could be a little guilty with
regard to
that for example our view as with regard
to the number of anointed ones remaining
on the earth now for many years what did
we think
we thought well that number would go
down and down and down and down now I
don't know about you but me I you when
that report came out just how many how
partakers and and what were we thinking
probably you maybe we didn't say it but
we were thinking you know the number
will go down down down down and there'll
be just a couple of old guys in a
wheelchair who will get their reward
well I'm exaggerating but that was sort
of the feeling wasn't it but now what
have we seen in recent
years those numbers have gone up and
up and not only that younger brothers
have been appointed on the governing
body now I know what you're all thinking
two new ones how old are
they we know you're not googling now
but you will
be but you see we need to be careful
about what we're thinking with regard to
the number of anointed ones left on
Earth you see 19 years ago I was
appointed on the governing body even I
thought I was too
young now they tell me I'm not so young
anymore but do we see the point what
does the bible actually tell us with
regard to this well it doesn't say the
number would just dwindle down to just
having a few uh older ones left no the
great crowd of other sheep will be
judged on the basis of how they deal
with Christ's brothers so that means the
faithful and discreet slave as well as
all the anointed throughout the Earth
will continue to be active in doing the
work and wanting and needing your
support right up until the time that
suddenly they will be
reassigned and and isn't that what
24:31 says there will be a gathering the
final Gathering of the anointed from all
different parts of the earth so for us
to think well you know there's some new
ones on the governing body they don't
look too old um maybe we've got a little
bit of extra time no Jehovah is making
sure that that the faithful and discreet
slave is continuing to work and is
effective right up in that until that
time of
reassignment so that's one subject the
second subject we'd like to talk about
is our view with regard to the start of
the Great Tribulation with the
destruction of Babylon the
great when we look through the
scriptures in Revelation chapter 16 what
does it tell us that the waters would
gradually dry up
yes churches are losing support in some
countries for example Europe it wasn't
that long ago that most nations in
Europe were very
religious but now people are turning
their backs on
religion but at the same time when we
look at Africa and South America we see
that religion still has a strong
influence so now what could be that
little voice in now mind saying well
yeah we see it's it's going in the right
direction but maybe not just yet we've
got a little bit more time
left but again we need to remember what
the scriptures tell us and if you turn
with me this time please to Revelation
17 this is one of the chapters that
describes the destruction of false
religion or in other words when the
Great Tribulation starts
so let's read Revelation 17 and verse 17
and note please what it tells
us for God put it into their hearts to
carry out his thought yes to carry out
their one thought by giving that Kingdom
to the wild beast until the words of God
will have been
accomplished now what is this one
thought well up to now we've said the
one thought is their desire to turn on
religion and we can understand that
because the context is talking about the
destruction of false religion but you
see if you look back at that
verse what is the one thought now this
means we have to adjust our
understanding another
change what does it say the one thought
refers to the Nations being willing to
hand over power their political power to
the Scarlet colored wild beast the
United Nations let me repeat it cuz
you're in shock now and you need to
write this down okay the one thought
refers to the Nations being willing to
hand over power to the United
Nations now why is that
exciting well the fact that Nations will
eventually turn on religion really isn't
that surprising is it we gradually we've
seen that happening we ah yes yeah we
see which way it's
going but what about Nations empowering
the United Nations handing over their
personal political power so the United
Nations has more power it has teeth as
it were at the moment it's like a
teethless toothless uh organization
it that seems unbelievable no Nation
that but what is it that happens it is
an act of god Jehovah puts that one
thought into the minds of the
Nations yes they will empower the United
Nations so that the United Nations will
be in a position to take action against
false religion now this adjustment and
understanding also means that we have to
adjust our understanding of verses 12
and 13 so if you're in Revelation 1
please let's look at verses 12 and
13 the 10 horns that you saw mean 10
Kings who have not yet receive the
kingdom but they do
receive Authority as kings for one hour
with the wild beast these have one
thought so they give their power and
authority to the wild
beast so up to now we've assumed these
10 Kings which represent all the
political powers and governments in the
world at the moment uh that they did
this during the last days by supporting
first of all the League of Nations and
then the United Nations but now what do
we understand this to be seeing we
understand verse
17 well there will come a time when all
political powers on Earth which includes
many who have never been part of the
seven world
powers they will see that they need to
collectively pull their power by giving
it to the United Nations to try and
solve some of the problems in the world
and they will rule notice what does it
say for 1 hour just a short period of
time so this newly empowered United
Nations from that time on will rule
collectively for a short time but it
will enable them to destroy false
religion and fight against Jesus and
Jehovah's people now isn't that
exciting but now we're back to our
subject again you you see gradually
things happen so we might say well yes
gradually I see Babylon the Great's
losing influence in some places maybe
yet but don't expect that you'll see
governments gradually wanting to give
over power they don't want to do that it
takes an act of
god Jehovah will put it into their
hearts this will occur with
suddenness yes then the Great
Tribulation will start a sudden change
not something that happens gradually so
what have we learned in our discussion
well yes some things change gradually
but brothers and sisters remember there
are some sudden things that are about to
occur let's remember the two things as a
as a reminder first of all the remaining
anointed Ones Will suddenly be taken to
Heaven while they are still very
active the second one Jehovah will
suddenly move the Nations to give their
political power to the United
Nations so what's the
takeaway don't be complacent don't think
oh this is going to gradually change no
some things won't gradually change they
will occur suddenly as acts of God so be
ready and don't don't be surprised by
Sudden Change