For those who don't want Witnesses coming to their door

by Maverick 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    This is just some general information for outsiders, (non witnesses) who want to know how to get the witnesses to leave them alone.

    Each Kingdom Hall has an assigned area their members are responsible for doing the door to door preaching. It may be the whole town or, if there are more than one congregations, the town or city will be divided up between Halls.

    Each Congregations assigned area is then divided into smaller territories which cover a few blocks. These are put onto cards and numbered. Individual Witnesses check out cards from the Territory Servant who is in charge of keeping tract of who has what territory and for how long. The goal is to "work" the territory and reach everyone possible, but not to hold the card too long. The WTS wants the publishers,(name given witnesses who publish the good news), to work the territory three times and then turn it in to the Territory Servant and get a different one.

    Often these cards are in plastic holders and on the back are the addresses of "do not calls". These are addresses of people who have told the Witnesses to leave them alone or are DF'd, DA'd, or APOSTATES! These are groups that the Witnesses are afraid of and will avoid at all cost!

    So with this in mind, the next time any Witness comes to your door, tell them you want your ADDRESS, (not your name), added to the back of the territory card as a DO NOT CALL. They will try to talk you out of this. Simply REPEAT what you stated, and if they still give you a hard time ask for their name and the name of the PO, (Presiding Overseer). And tell them if any Witnesses come back you will call the PO up and give him a piece of your mind! They should know the PO's name, he's the head guy in the HAll.

    The WTS's stated policy is that if your don't want Witnesses to come, they will not come. They lie! But with this inside information they may think you are an apostate and leave you alone. Maverick

  • RR

    or you could just answer the door butt-naked, that'll teach 'em


  • mineralogist
    your ADDRESS, (not your name), added to the back of the territory card as a DO NOT CALL.

    Sorry but this won't work! Unless there is no name on it, it may be that the original one moved and a new family is there. Also once a year an elder shall come and ask the people if they still don't want to be called - you know some could change their mind!

  • FreeFallin

    Hi Maverick,

    A friend of mine, an ex nun, enjoyed her discussions with the JWs who stopped by. But one day she decided enough is enough. She asked them to stop coming by, etc. Their answer, "You have to go to the Kingdom Hall and ask not to be called on." Needless to say, she told them no way, and to take her name off themselves.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Why not just put up a noticeable sign by your front door that reads, "No Witnessing or Preaching Allowed"???


  • blondie

    I would mail a registered letter to the presiding overseer to the congregation address saying you no longer want to be called on and this is their legal notice of that. Follow up a week later with a phone call about 10 minutes before the Sunday meeting (usually 9:20) and confirm it has been received and that he understands.

    This will not stop the dolts that call anyway because they missed the slip with the territory card, or the brother who gets the instructions from the car captain screwed up, or the brother that decides he needs to call anyway to save their soul.

    Blondie (seen it all)

  • RR

    Get one of those life-size dolls they sell at holloween stores, of the guy with a noose around his neck, dress him up with a cheap suit, hang him outside of the porch, scatter a few magazine on the floor .... that'll teach 'em


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama


    Thanks for the information, but I sure never need it. For the last 4 years I have actively kept an eye out for JWs out in service, and I have seen who I guessed to be JWs, only twice. The JWs NEVER come into our neigbourhood at all. I live in a nicer area where most people are well educated and higher income than average. If I polled my neighbours, the general trend would be that that JWs are weird and creepy based on the blood issue, not standing up for the national anthem (which is taken as disrespect for a country that treats us well) , not celebrating anything normal and fun like birthdays and Mother's Day, and how JWs are discouraged from mixing with the rest of us ( taken as a bit of a slap in the face). The general public is just learning of issues like shunning family members and discouragment of education, both of which make anyone I tell, aghast.

    The really strange thing to me, is that of the few JWs I know personally, I like one family very much. When the JW hats are off, they are nice, warm congenial people. It makes me sad that they were born into and have chosen that way of life. If things were different, I would have loved to be friends.

    The ones who are hard to discourage are the Mormons. We get lots of nice, clean cut young Mormon elders coming around. I know families who have not been extremely interested in religion check out the Mormons and other big evangelical churches, because of their excellent child and teenager programs and activities.

  • RR

    Listen, the best way to get them to go away, is invite them in, and act apostate-like. Show them what you know, they won't come back!


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    You know, if they ever did come to the door, I couldn't be rude. I think I would say that one of the marks of a cult is information control, and why is the Watchtower so scared? That if the thought "the truth" is the truth, perhaps they better check it out with non-Watchtower resources to be sure.

    But they never come to the door, so I can't ever say my piece.

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