Morning part 1. . .Chairmins address. show loyalty by shunning family memebers no mater what.
part2 Be loyal in thought. No VACATIONS! keep thinking and programing your minds. dont speek out about negative word about current beliefs. just go along and shut up, don't speak bad about elders or the governing body. no sex don't use the interweb except for repeated use of the Jehovah web sights.
partthree jeff jackspon governing body bible reading.uggh kill your son your family your frineds. get ready to shun for the governing body the greater moses.
Afternoon,,,ratchet up the fear with prison videos. no violin music. no one hour work at night got to family worship instead. when your praised be like Jesus. don't seek praise, unless your're the governing body, or all the speakers that they keep bragging about all the years they pioneerd.
all sorts of crap about the org + jehovha
Nezxt part hate wht Jehovah hates showd pre teen baptism and then df'd as a teen.
shunned even when wanting help for parents. judgemental assholes!
Don't be loyal to family or friends.
All this crap about loyalty to the elders, the governing body, and o hell with your family or friiends. made me so dammed mad I cant type!