That isn't a knock on the National Guard at all, Stacy; it's a fine program, especially in an America w/o the draft. My comment was a clue to the character of George Bush, whose "service" wasn't service at all, compared to the men who weren't able to get out of going to Vietnam.
Do you respect Bill for lying to get out of the military only years later to become commander in chief
I think that the Vietnam war was wrong, and I have respect for people who stood up back then and said so. I don't know the circumstances of Clinton getting out of military service, so I can't really comment. I was a witness when Clinton was in office, so I stayed pretty clueless about the specifics of politics, though of course my overall view of him was very negative, naughty boy and politician that he was.
To be honest, I don't absolutely know that George Bush jr believed in the Vietnam war or not. Heck, perhaps he felt the war was wrong, but couldn't be open about that thought, so I can't really be too hard on him for getting out of it. But he is the type to be cavalier and downright reckless in sending other men and other men's children to war for reasons not much better than vietnam, and for that I do fault him.
Wes Clark either believed in the war, or believed in serving in the military in spite of your personal philosophy on a givin conflict; I don't know which. But he volunteered and went to Vietnam and ended up shot. The point being though, that he did what he believed in, and I think it showed real character and bravery.