Jehovah is the type of man I try to avoid.
Did you have a relationship with your friend Jehovah?
by Nosferatu 29 Replies latest jw friends
Jehovah is the type of man I try to avoid.
If only I was so eloquent as to be able to say so much in so few words. But I'm not, so here goes. Because I was raised believing the Witnesses had the only truth, for years I tried to make Jehovah my friend, but my heart was never in it. As I have mentioned on this board many times before it is humanely impossible to honestly, sincerely and truly love a god who threatens to kill you if you do not love and serve him. Because it goes totally against the very nature of love. I could never accept Jesus for the same reason. I can not find it in my heart to accept as my Savior that which will somehow damn me if I don't. Who needs a Savior with lower morals than your own? People who do, I doubt have thought it through. Perhaps they are blinded by fear of retribution, or numbed by greed for future reward. Christian-love is not true love, for perfect love is not exclusionary. j
Nah, he never stumped up the cash for a pint when we went to the pub. He was always the first in the door and the last to get to the bar, so we fell out. :)
Dam, and I thought looking at a model in a catalogue was a friendship and a relationship!!!
back to the drawing board.!!!!
I tried talking to it... but the arrogant SOB never talked back.
How come if you talk to god, its prayer, but if he talks back to you its psychophenia?
How can you develope a relationship if there's only communication one way? That's like developing a friendship with a model in a Victoria Secret catalogue.
At least you can see the model... ;o)
One way communication and no way of reply or some other verification that the message was received quickly evaporates any hope. By definition it is meaningless and quickly becomes ritualistic. Something you do because it is expected frm you by others, like praying before starting on a meal.
I put a lot of effort and time into praying to jehovah. Looking back, it felt like i was endlessly banging on the door, laying there clawing at the door. It never opened. Maybe he's not there. Maybe he doesn't like gentiles, being jewish and all.
Jehovah is supposed to have long conversations with you and do miracles for you and stuff. I'm so jealous of Abraham. Not only does the Bible call him Jehovah's "Friend," but he even got into debates with God about killing people and stuff. You know, kinda like Jules and Vincent Vega! -- Leolaia
There is no door.
No prob. Since leaving the dubs i also found that to be the case. Silly wt society for creating a door. And, of course, the anthropomorphised jehovah is just a figment, or maybe a fig newton.
How come if you talk to god, its prayer, but if he talks back to you its psychophenia?
Gadget - good point! In the end of my life as a JW, I wondered why he wasn't answering my prayers...