I have often said that all these ones, (even the ones spreading gossip), are victims of the culture of the organization, and the directions of the GB.
But recently I have been rethinking this, and wonder if ignorance is really an acceptable excuse?
Hi stuckinarut2,
I've been asking myself the same question too and rethinking whether or not the Watchtower should bear full responsibility for the actions of JWs. I came to the conclusion that all JWs who knowingly shove truth under the rug and refuse to deal with it are fully responsible for their actions. For example: it's a no-brainer that telling bold-faced lies and slandering others to tear down their reputation are behaviors that are frowned upon by anybody with a decent amount of moral capacity. It's common sense that children are taught from an early age to not lie and to be honest. Integrity and honesty are some of our most upheld and cherished values and form the backbone of civilization. So, if JWs are taught to lie when it makes the WTS look good, and these same JWs decide to still participate in this kind of environment and ignore their conscience, then the JWs are the ones to be blamed because they know deep down it's wrong, but they still do it, and eventually, if they do it long enough, they don't even think notice that it's wrong.
So my conclusion, JWs who choose to continue drinking the WTS kool aid despite noticing wrong conduct here and there, take full responsibility. I'm not talking about the awake JWs who can't leave because of the family dilemma. I'm talking about JWs who are in it because of lust after what they can gain from this religion, like power, status, prestige, etc.