by somebody 33 Replies latest jw friends
I will now turn 57 years old in a few months.
somebody ....
I thought wow, she is getting old. And I too have been on the board here for over 15 years.
But then I realized that I will be 60, wow, 57 is just a kid!!!
Rub a Dub
Those were interesting times. Great to see some of the "old timers" still posting. You were always a ray of sunshine Somebody. I am not that far behind you age wise.
And to the poster who mentioned the site that shut you are probably thinking of H20 or else Kent's site
Hello everyone and expecially to Somebody.
I'm very pleased to hear fom you again.
It was quite a while ago!
J.C. MacHislopp
(...just clowly recovering from a difficult moment)
I remember you too. I am where you are in age. I joined around 2002.
Nice to see you here again! Time flies too quickly! Can't believe I'm going to be 71 years old in a month. I joined this forum in 2004 when I was 57 years old. It would be nice to see other ones from the early days start visiting here again.
Thank you all! More years have passed. I remember Simon and Angarad had two toddlers. They are both grown young men now and are doing great. Both productive and caring young men. I remember all of you also. Punkofnice, GREAT video and song, MacHislopp and HappyDad, and ALL of you, I miss.. The young children I had back then are now 38 and 40 years old now. One is a pharmacist and one is a doctor. They both CARE about their own fellow humans. The love they have for others is REAL, not forced. I am so happy that they don't spend their time standing by a cart holding WT literature and not being paid a dime to support their family, thinking and believing that doing that will earn them points to making it into the " New World". Looking back at my posts and replies though, I myself realize just how young I was just by reading my own words from 21 years ago! Love to you all! And I thank you ALL!
Punkofnice, GREAT video and song
Just to show how sad I am. When I was first in Toronto, I visited City Hall (or whatever they call it), where the Moving pictures album cover was shot. It smelled of pee. I also saw a bloke having a pee in the bushes down the steps.
Other than that, I love Toronto. We bought ice poles from where Kim's Convenience is filmed outside. Cabbage town I think they call it.
It's a weird mix of funny and depressing to look back at what we once were. And it reminds us that this "getting older" thing keeps happening.
I remember Simon and Angarad had two toddlers. They are both grown young men now and are doing great.
They really are great guys. My proudest achievement is my family, how the kids turned out and that they have a WTS-free future ahead of them. I like to claim credit but it's probably more Angharad's doing.
Simon, we really can't say whose doing is the most effective. The fact that you BOTH took part in raising your kids TOGETHER outside of the "organization" , and the result of that fact is obvious. You and your wife were great parents. ALL children can see that parents sometimes do not agree with each other. But that is WHY those kids grow up to KNOW that they can go on, knowing that not everyone will agree with them. It's a free world outside of of a cult! I am pretty sure you and Angharad sees the same. It takes more than one weight to balance a scale. It took me years to learn even that. Even through a divorce. Thankful that we both came around as husband and wife and both now get along and see the mistakes we made form THE BEGINNING.