Just a little something my "anointed" roommate posted on Facebook a few months ago, along with replies from her fellow JWs. It was chilling to read, so I took a screenshot and saved it for future reference.
Please feel free to share your own stories of blind obedience within the org. I am interested in hearing about specific instances rather than generalized experiences.
Obedience At Its Blindest
by Nevuela 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The screenshot was here earlier. No idea where it went.
I'm trying to repost it, it shows up, but as soon as I refresh the page, it's gone. Why is this happening? And why are we not allowed to edit our own comments more than a minute or so after posting? I've noticed that the edit option disappears soon afterwards.
Hi Nevuela. I tried the link but it seems you need a tumbler account to use it? I think I also accidentally pressed the dislike button & cannot change that. My apologies. ...look forward to reading the story once I can access it. May I ask what the gist of the story & replies is?
same here.. thanks.
If your friend is "anointed", the last thing they will do, is follow the Watchtower leaders.....
never a jw
You can't criticize an anointed without divine retribution. Your screenshot has been banned by the higher powers.