It depends, I served on several . If I think back to the early days in the seventies the men were great....even if misguided in beliefs. They were older than me.. men who had been through WW2, lived a lot and we interpreted The Society's instructions with liberalism and a dash of common sense. They may have had no formal qualifications but as organiizers with a caring heart - they had no equal.
As time went by of course that changed . I went to a small town cong. Where they were terrible.... so bad that they closed that one down and merged it..just after I had left.. after that it was never as good The born-ins were taking over with a much more closed mind approach . It was "do as your told" and " the Society must be obeyed" in the smallest detail.
Afer I moved again to another small town ( we never learned) that one was so bad . We had the reluctant leader , the resentful ambitious leader in waiting.., the follower who did not dare use his own brain, another one with ability and class whom the others disliked and conspired to stab in the back to be rid of ...and me, whom they all disagreed with all the time.
At that time I woke up to the TATT , and faded , resigning....thank goodness