Hello brothers and sisters am new here , what is the website all about ?
Welcome me
by natasha 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Natasha,
This is a support site for those that have been affected (one way or another) by the Jehovah's Witness organisation. Some members have left the organisation, some are in the process of leaving and others are still in but curious for another point of view.
Have fun browsing.
Hi natasha, welcome to the forum.
Hello sista
This forum is all about truth, facts, opinion and conversation. Here you can enjoy freedom of speech.
Hi Natasha
Welcome to the forum. This forum is for those who have been affected one way or the other by the Org. As has been mentioned, some users have left and others are in the process of leaving. There is a wealth of information, so take your time in reading the discussions and use whatever advice that will help you on your journey.
Hi Natasha and welcome to the forum. What is it about? Well I remember hearing years ago in a talk that a person's religion is very often an accident of birth. In other words where in the world you are born and which family you are raised in affects what you usually grow up to believe.
I often used this in field service to encourage the householder to examine their own religion. This is a forum where many that were raised in the JW religion do just that, freely and without censure, examine the beliefs they were raised with. Ask as many questions as you like. Enjoy!
Slidin Fast
You will find here a kind of honesty you may not be used to. Rabid anti JW stories are treated with caution, rumours are just that until substantiated. The most refreshing thing is that members speak their mind without retribution. Their opinions and theories are tested in open debate and the what emerges as truth has a ring to it.
Wellcome aboard! Express yourself.
Welcome to the board Natasha ! Nice to have you here sister ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
No Brothers and Sisters here.
I think you wandered away from the pack. -
"No Brothers and Sisters here..." - ttdtt
Maybe she meant fellow inquisitive humans...