Military action is not necessary ... Better to have standards for trade and not supply these countries with arms - regarding those established countries that discriminate against homosexuals, I agree. The West could also make it a rule that these countries stop their homophobia or they won't receive any Western aid.
I didn't make myself clear. I'm talking about supporting military action against homophobic extremists - Al-Nusra, ISIS, Taliban - that hold areas of land but aren't recognised as countries.
Is Pink News against military action? - is it for it?
If you're not actively doing anything LUHE, surely, by your own reasoning you are tolerating atrocities - no. As I've already explained, by supporting military action against homophobic extremists, I've shown that I have zero tolerance of their homophobic atrocities.
I find"being a biologist" a rather hilarious excuse for inaction - and I find western gay activists' excuses for inaction (too busy pushing for gay marriage?; cataloguing microaggressions? Gays For Palestine?) sad but sadly predictable.