QUICK! Questions to ask MARK SANDERSON!!!!!!!

by TeenageInsider 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TeenageInsider


    Mark sanderson at a regional assembly.

    I Will find him and ask him questings.

    Please quickly leave questions you want me to ask.

    I will record and post updates!!!!


  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    • What do you think of Jackson's testimony before ARC?
    • Does Jackson really know nothing about anything as he claimed there? What about you and the others?
    • Why are you begging for money while claiming we have no shortage?
    • How is the money spent, if not on literature, special pioneers, bethelites, or new KHs?
    • Why are all quotes in 5-questions brochure taken out of context?
    • Why are white blood cells a no no, but we can drink milk that contains them?

    Just pick one or two....my guess? If you can reach him trough the bodyguards, he will probably 'mishear' your question and run off, or ask you your name and congo...

  • Gorbatchov

    Question 1: is he part of the overlapping generation?

    Question 2: who is his example: Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, Henschel, Jaracks or Jesus?



  • OrphanCrow

    You could ask him if the Australian JWs are still "part of God's organization" because you had heard that the Australian branch had been infiltrated by Satan's demons.

    Or you could ask him how old you have to be to be considered for a seat on the Governing Body...cause you would like to apply for a position when you get older.

  • TeenageInsider
    Keep them comming.
  • Giordano

    Did Jesus expect that his two witness rule would be applied to sexually abused children? Is Child abuse a sin or a crime? If it's both why aren't the Authorities informed?

  • redpilltwice

    1) Will the GB listen to the ARC?

    2) Are you sure you are one of the annointed? You were baptized in '75 and the numbers are supposed to drop!

    3) Why build new headquarters while the end is so near?

    4) How long is a generation according to Matthew 1:17? Do the math!

  • OrphanCrow

    Ask him if Jesus gave his blood so that we all could live.

    If he says yes, ask him why JWs can't follow Jesus' example and give blood too.

  • Landy
    Ask him the way to the door.

    Questions to ask MARK SANDERSON!!!!!!!

    .........Have you ever missed a meal?.........................Never!..

    ............Are you hungry right now?.............................Yes..

    ..........Would you like a sandwich?.........................Absolutely!..

    .........Will You Ever Get a Real Job?.........................Hell No!..

    .........Image result for news interview microphoneImage result for Watchtower mark Sanderson

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