I will post a **Spoiler** in a few minutes.
A 7 part horror movie on Netflix titled MIDNIGHT MASS blew me away and I thought I might
recommend this limited series (only seven parts.
First of all, there is a word never ever mentioned by anybody in this horror drama.
That is for a good reason. A very good reason.
I won't mention it either or I'd ruin part of the build-up inside the plot.
Suffice to say, this horror story is a very fresh take on a well-trodden path
we've all been down many times (if we are fans.)
Let me tell you why I think Ex-JW's would or might especially enjoy this.
We went down a similar path to the characters in this story.
We were offered Eternal Life based on trials and travails quite horrifying (Armageddon and persecution). We were introduced to rituals very different from mainstream religion.
We believed in angels and New Light.
We were willing to shun and view as diseased any who turned against our Truth.
In other words - this Midnight Mass story takes ordinary people who live on an island with lots of problems and a central religious figure offers them a kind of Salvation based on miracles and most of them are willing to endure the crossover test to achieve eternal life.
They are completely and utterly deluded, of course, and we (Ex Dubs) will understand this in a way an ordinary horror audience will not because it is on a deeper level of experience shared.
The story (in seven parts) is a "slow burn" not interested in flash and bang but in characters' lives and backstories so you get to know and deeply care about their humanity before the descent into terrifying inevitability appears.
When the horror begins (and it does begin soon enough) you are pulled in deeply and glued to your seat.
This was so intense I had to take a space of one day between each chapter. I could NOT simply do the binge-watch orgy I ordinarily do when something grabs my interest.
Please don't ruin this for yourself by watching a preview trailer or reading a review.
The less you know - the more impact each successive revelation will bestow.
The word that is never ever used by any character at any time is the first word you would use if you had been asked what genre of horror MIDNIGHT MASS is.
The reason the word isn't used is that this story really ISN"T a _____movie at all.
The spoiler is this: this is the REAL meaning of the Bible in a twist so blood-curdling a religiously educated person (like an Ex-JW) will feel the gut-punch with double force.
When you realized you weren't dealing with THE TRUTH and the LIE was what you worshipped you were devastated. So too in this horror story. But the true horror (for a Catholic) must feel so blasphemous as to be traumatic.
Try MIDNIGHT MASS and even if it seems slow at first ...hang in there for the end of that first episode. You'll know if you want to watch the rest by the time it is finished and Episode 2 rolls around.
At the end of Episode 4 I was actually traumatized!! And I am a veteran Horror movie buff.
So, there you have it!
The actor who plays the Priest is so wonderfully empathetic I loved the guy. He is utterly sincere and big-hearted. His motives are not sinister at all. He is pure as a True Believer.
The religious dialogue in movies is, IMHO, laughable - but in this instance it was wonderful!
There wasn't a phony moment of trumped-up dialogue when it came to God-talk.
This is aimed at true believers.
Ex-True Believers will find it outstanding, I'm sure.