It appears this study article has been written because the organization is still having trouble teaching African JWs that they are not to follow their traditional customs when someone dies and not to believe in spirits.
It has been speculated for some time that it is African JWs that have attributed to the increase in 'anointed' partakers.
Interestingly, no-where in this article does it even mention their two class system and the anointed having a heavenly hope. It is amazing that they title the article as upholding the truth about death and fail to mention their two hope doctrine.
The following are some quotes -
SATAN, “the father of the lie,” has deceived people since the start of human history. (John 8:44) Some of his lies include false teachings about death and about life after death.....
But Satan did not stop lying about death. At some point in time, he began to introduce other lies. One of those lies is the teaching that the physical body dies but that some part of the person lives on, perhaps in the spirit realm. Variations of that lie have deceived countless humans right down to our day.—1 Tim. 4:1.
...we do not fear the dead; nor do we fear for them. We know that they are not alive and cannot harm anyone. It is as if they were in a deep sleep
...Do you not agree that the truth about the condition of the dead is clear, simple, and logical? What a contrast to Satan’s confusing lies!
Since they only tell half the story about their beliefs of those that die, their message is simple. Unfortunately, it's one thing to use simplified english but completely another to exclude half their teachings on a matter just to make it look simple, especially when you claim you are speaking the truth about a matter.
Further into the article, the Watchtower instructs JWs how they must behave, then a paragraph later they say that the Elders will not tell them how to behave -
As Jehovah’s servants, we certainly do not believe any myths or take part in any practices that promote Satan’s lies!—1 Cor. 10:21, 22.....
If you are unsure about a certain custom or practice....If necessary, consult the elders in your congregation. They will not tell you what to do, but they can point you to relevant Bible principles, such as those discussed here.
If you are unsure about a certain custom or practice....If necessary, consult the elders in your congregation. They will not tell you what to do, but they can point you to relevant Bible principles, such as those discussed here.