
by unsure 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unsure
    yes, atonement of sins requires a sacrifice. Besides, most of the meat was eaten anyways.
    Adam and Eve chose to sin. Do perfect beings have free will?

    Why does it require a sacrifice? Why does an all-powerful, all-understanding being described as "love" ask for deaths of innocent animals to appease them for something a human did?

  • unsure

    "yes, atonement of sins requires a sacrifice. Besides, most of the meat was eaten anyways.

    Adam and Eve chose to sin. Do perfect beings have free will?"

    Why does it require a sacrifice? Why does an all-powerful, all-understanding being described as "love" ask for deaths of innocent animals to appease them for something a human did?

  • unsure

    Question still stands

  • fulltimestudent

    Sorry no time to read all comments, so I hope no-one else has noted this point.

    Psalm 104 is a song of praise to YHWH and in verse 21 the psalmisst makes this remarkable statement that clarifies the psalmists view about animal to animal cruelty.

    "The young lions roar after their prey And seek their food from God.

    This can be read to say that YHWH made lions with an instinctive drive to kill other animals for food. And, that some animals were created to be food for predators.

    Good on you YHWH the god of love

  • Vidiot

    Good ol' genetics teaches us that virtually every single complex biological organism on the planet ages and dies by the exact same process as human beings (telomerase reduction in cell subdivision), which is, needless to say, really hard to reconcile with the WTS's "dented mold" hypothesis of "human imperfection"...

    ...after all, if we grow old and die because we're "imperfect", and all the animals grow old and die by the same physical process, does that mean animals are punished with "imperfection"? And if so, how could they have "sinned" in order to have received said punishment?

    Also, if Adam and Eve were created "perfect" (i.e. immortal), doesn't that mean that animals are "imperfect", and if so, why would a "perfect" God create "imperfect" things?

    I actually asked these to another JW I knew a long time ago, and he basically tried to explain it by suggesting that "perfection" was actually subjective.

    I had to make an effort to not roll my eyes, and never discussed WT theology with him again.

  • unsure

    Great posts everybody!

    Believers, please feel free to contribute.

  • smiddy3

    Almost ,if not every living thing, on this planet lives, by feeding off some other living creature.

    For the love of me I can`t see a God of Love here.

  • knowsnothing1

    Romans 8:18-25

    Creation has been subjected to futility. What we see now isn't what always was and what was always meant to be. There will be freedom for all creation from death and suffering.

    I used to be bothered by predation and parasitism too. All creation groans because we know that while these things happen and exist, we innately know and feel that they shouldn't. The beautiful thing is that this is only temporary. The glory that awaits those who believe is incomparable to our present sufferings.

    If you're earnestly seeking God, he will reveal himself to you through the Holy Spirit. Call on the name of the Lord Jesus from your heart, and ask him to show you if he's real. He answered me, and I have suffered no disappointment in him.

  • unsure


    I have earnestly called on God asking him to make himself known to me. I have sought after God and nothing.

    If the issue is between humans and God (and Satan) why do poor animals have to suffer? Not very loving of God.

  • knowsnothing1

    I wish I had all the answers, unsure.

    I myself still have many questions unanswered. I can't tell you why there are so many denominations. I can't answer why out of the same book come out so many different interpretations. I can't answer why some have had experiences with the supernatural and others never had.

    I can only tell you my personal experiences and that I really truly believe in the core of Christianity. Jesus was a man that walked this Earth, perfect and sinless, to have his blood shed for us. He is the only Savior, the Son of God, the Lamb of God, the only way to the Father.

    He wasn't a mythology. He was a real man crucified under Pontius Pilate.

    I tried living my life without God, and it was meaningless. Anything you do on this Earth perishes, and all your hard work, your joy, your accomplishments, your failures, come to nothing when you die. I tried living my own life, the life I thought would satisfy me. There was only a temporary satisfaction. Solomon said it best, it's all vanity, chasing after the wind.

    It's comforting to know that you are never alone. That even when you have no answers left, God is the answer. If you've messed up, if things have gone horribly awry and you have no hope, no control over the situation, you still have hope and love in God through Jesus. You can hang your hat on the Rock, the eternal one.

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