An E-mail Exchange with an Elder

by Saename 15 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • Saename
    tepidpoultry - Am I to understand that an elder is going to debate a disassociated person, I apologize if I've misunderstood something,

    An unbaptised publisher who disassociated himself. I'm not sure whether the term "disassociated" is applicable to me, but this is what the elder called me, so that's what I'm going with.

  • tepidpoultry

    Thank-you Saename for the clarification, to my best understanding "unbaptized publisher" and " disassociated" are mutually exclusive terms as a disassociated person cannot "publish the good news" If you are deemed to be doing something terribly wrong then an announcement is made that "you are no longer a publisher of the good news" However if they allow you in service and accept a report then you are an unbaptized publisher in good standing, Complicated isn't it? I look forwards to your updates,


  • smiddy

    An unbaptised publisher who disassociated himself. I'm not sure whether the term "disassociated" is applicable to me, but this is what the elder called me, so that's what I'm going with.

    I dont see what the problem is here ,if you were an unbaptised publisher and you dis associated yourself from the JW religion

    Thats what you are ?! Whats the big deal.?Why does it even matter ?

  • Saename

    smiddy, I also don't see why it matters. Technically, I "disassociated" myself in the sense that I no longer associate myself with this religion. Whether I was baptised or not seems inconsequential to me.

    tepidpoultry, there won't be any more updates to this topic. The elder I talked to hasn't responded to my last e-mail which I sent on June 4th. I take it to mean that he will not continue this conversation, which is not a big surprise. He, like many other Witnesses, lives in his own small world.

    Having that said, I have yet to schedule another conversation with a different elder who also wishes to discuss certain things with me. If our conversation ever takes place, I will create another topic about that.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    So may I ask, how are you coming across these willing elders to engage in debate with a former member? Unbaptized publisher means you were never baptized of there is the rub.

  • Saename

    That's simple; they thought they could somehow "save" me. As soon as they saw I was beyond "saving," they of course ceased to talk to me. If you think I'm making this up, that's your prerogative. I cannot defend myself against such criticism as I have not recorded my first "debate" (or more appropriately a conversation) with the elder who was once a circuit overseer. When it comes to this e-mail exchange, I can provide you with screenshots of my e-mails, but I wouldn't be able to do the same with respect to his e-mails as I don't want to violate his sense of privacy. Think of it what you will.

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