They are starting a special preview in select cities to the latest Tom Cruise movie called The Last Samari. Really looking forward to going tonight. We bought tickets to see it yesterday when we went and saw Timeline (Michael Crichton Film) which was ok. I had read the book and found it moved better than the movie did. Really looking forward to the 7 oclock show of The Last Samari tonight!!
The Last Samari
by Sassy 15 Replies latest social entertainment
This movie is AWESOME! We got there a half hour early to make sure we got good seats. We were told theater 12 and so we waited (as others did too) to be able to go in. When we got in there we were really surprised how small a theater they chose for a one show only sneak preview but since we had good seats, didn't think much more of it. Turns out they kept selling tickets to the show and selling it out (which we did not know) moving it and so when the show started (after sitting through all the previews) we realized that we were not seeing the Last Samari but instead The Cat in the Hat!!!
So we went out and asked an employee who said.. OH they moved it to theater 8!! So guess what? We ended up now missing the first few minutes of the show and having to sit in the FRONT row!! All others were taken!!!
But this movie is a MUST SEE! We will go see it again as well as purchase the dvd when it comes out!
That was pretty crappy that they did that to you guys....You should have gotten free popcorn or something....It is a good job at least there was some available seats for your original movie....But what a pain in the a$$ to have to seat right up at the front....I would have been upset to have waited in line and then to have sit at the very front.
Glad to hear though, that you seen it, and enjoyed it...
Yeah.. it was pretty bad.. major sucked! We did complain to guest services and they apologized but that was it. There was only one show so there wasn't much they could do.
They could have given you a free pass to another showing of something else. But good thing you liked the movie!
Well they could have is right..
It turned out that a friend of mine who gets passes to see movies before their opening, gave me tickets and so we got to go again before the actual public opening. So it worked out. I didn't realize that that we missed so much of the beggininning the first time..
This movie is really good , awesome if you like the Samuri type stories. I enjoy movies about pirates and ships, but to me, this movie was better that Master and Commander. I loved it, and definately will own it when it comes out!!
i saw this movie friday night, i loved it SO MUCH!!!! it put me in the mood to reread Shogun
"Shogun" (book and TV series) was my all-time favourite, and remain's such.
As soon as I get a chance, I shall be watching this movie.
Looks like a good one to watch out for, I hadnt even heard of it, then again I only just caught on to what finding Nemo was all about...
Stacy Smith
We really enjoyed this movie, it's one of the best we've seen.