From the January Study edition second study article paragraph 10:
We can use the Memorial season as an opportunity to look through our wardrobe, our movie and music collections, perhaps even the material stored on our computers, smartphones, and tablets.
If I were going to a place where Jesus would be present, would I feel uncomfortable wearing this clothing?
If I did wear it, would it be obvious to all that I am a follower of Christ Jesus?
Would Jesus be entertained by watching this movie or by listening to this music? If he borrowed my cell phone or tablet, would I be embarrassed by what he saw there?
As you consider the subject matter of a video game, ask yourself: ‘Would I find it difficult to explain to Jesus why I enjoy playing it?’
Our love for Jehovah should compel us to get rid of anything that would be inappropriate for a disciple of Christ, regardless of the cost involved.
Would Jesus play Xbox or PS4? Madden or FIFA World Cup? Does Jesus like selfies or food pics? How can my clothes make it obvious I'm a follower of Christ? Maybe an "I <3 Jesus" t-shirt, that should do the trick.
Seriously though are they really trying make this a yearly habit among JWs? Have everyone go through all their stuff once a year? Ridiculous, I don't see anyone actually doing this. What's next the Elders have to come to your house for a friendly inspection?