"Gay sex is not porneia" started in 1947!

by ILoveTTATT2 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT2

    Look at this "gem"!

    It's from the November 1st, 1947 Watchtower, p.336

    Essentially, this is what started the doctrine that you couldn't divorce your spouse if he/she cheated on you with another member of the same sex.

    This ended in 1972 with another WT article. So for 25 years, many marriages couldn't be disolved without the chance of remarrying if one of the spouses was gay.

    Still, to this day, there is a loophole, where two men masturbating in front of each other is not porneia.

    (See https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5701492464943104/new-loophole-created-you-can-cheat-on-your-spouse-without-him-her-being-able-divorce-you)

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  • ILoveTTATT2

    Correction, it is 1948. So 24 years.

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  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I know this to be true. Back I 1971 a sister in our congregation husband was having a gay affair. She went to the elders and ask them if she could scripturally divorce him they called the wt. for the answer. They said gay sex by your spouse is now grounds for a scriptural divorce. He was the head of the house and she has to stay with him. I was a teenager at the time and I could see this did not make sense. Still Totally ADD

  • ILoveTTATT2
    They said gay sex by your spouse is now grounds for a scriptural divorce.
    I think you meant to say "not" grounds?
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  • LoveUniHateExams

    Well there was a time when Fred Franz & Nathan Knorr were young, beautiful, firm-buttocked men ...

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  • stuckinarut2

    Totally astounding!

    So, when Jehovah gave such directions through his earthly channel, was he having a bad day and getting things wrong?

    Has Jehovah now realised his errors?

    Or could it be that the people "speaking for God" were wrong?...Hmmm? Does that prove that they DO NOT speak for God?

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  • fulltimestudent

    Nothing in the bible says that you have to be intelligent, in order to lead god's people.

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  • steve2

    Following the religious rules of stupid leaders should be grounds for divorce.

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  • HOVA

    WOW. All these years and I had no idea. I haven't actively been a Jehovah's Witness since I was a child (and honestly that was against my will). I would think relations with someone of the same sex would give you even MORE of a right as a Jehovah's Witness to divorce your spouse.

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