I can think of two to start off with . John 1:1 and Luke 23:43 ,What others can you come up with ?
Where have the NWT Bible changed verses to fit their theology ?
by smiddy3 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
From this week's Jesus study 132. The resurrected corpses, going into Jerusalem, to be seen there. Math 27 52, 53.
wt version: it is people that happened to be in the cemetery that saw the resurrected holy ones and went into Jerusalem to be visible there.
Wt theology demands that only GB members can resurrect on record.
This bible passage ranks among the fairy tale level anyway.
May 24;3 gets chance from coming / end of world to presence / conclusion of the system of things.
Sea Breeze
Phil. 2: 9 reads: Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name
They started off with brackets around the inserted word [other] in the 1984 edition. Look at the footnote in the large print edition and they admit that it is added out of thin air and is not in the original greek
In the grey bible they eliminated the brackets altogether and left the word "other"
They just cant stand it that the highest name in the universe is Jesus and not Jehovah.
road to nowhere
In all fairness e very translator has a bias to belief. That well known john 1:1 has a comment in some bibles that they inserted "the" to fit the trinity teaching.
Changed from what?
The only one I can think of where the word, "changed" in the sense of an English rendering beyond any possible way the source language could be translated was John 17:3 and they eventually fixed that.
Most of the other examples scream, "I couldn't compose a simple sentence in Ancient Greek if my life depended on it."
A whole book could probably be written on this subject, but the one that comes to mind is Colossians 1:15-17, inserting "other" into the text 4 times so it wouldn't look like Jesus is uncreated, i.e. God.
wt version: it is people that happened to be in the cemetery that saw the resurrected holy ones and went into Jerusalem to be visible there.
not sure if this is what the WT teaches
The holy ones that got resurrected and went into the city, when Jesus died or resurrected.
Some elders reject this and some say it happened. Very soon that Zombie story would be eliminated from the NWT.
Gods Word Uhhh,,
They used the word “impale” in a sense that is absent from most English dictionaries, because there was no neat English equivalent for “crucify” that didn’t imply execution on a cross.