The Witnesses are actually quite boring. What makes a site or a thread interesting is differences of opinion. The Witnesses haven’t said much of anything remotely interesting. Every once in a while you get something hot but generally no JWs come here to debate. Farkel, God rest his soul was entertaining and informative and lived to mix it up with anybody. There aren’t many here who are interested in supporting the religion so we discuss other current events including politics. Remember, as JWs we couldn’t ever express a view in that department. Thank goodness we can do it here!!
What Has Happened To This Site
by Pants of Righteousness 34 Replies latest jw friends
It takes a lot of time and energy to research TTATT and then accurately post that research. Why do it? Hopefully to help Dubs awaken. Yet, it’s exhausting when I can just go live my life. Especially when I know I can’t make anyone awaken...
Why did Outlaw ( one of my faves ) leave?? Maybe to live his life.. Sometimes you have to take care of you, instead of researching every new, dumb belief that the GB put forth.
I know I did a ton of research, emailed and communicated with folks like Candace Conti’s Lawyer, ect explaining how the Dubs will lie and explaining “Theocratic Warfare”, ect. It’s exhausting. I need a break..
Maybe some of the Old Guard just need a break, and need to live their own lives, besides, we don’t have any Trolls worthy of combat lately.
I think that what has needed to be said on here has been said. Unless there is some breaking news that tony Morris was arrested for soliciting a prostitute it’s all about politics.
I like talking politics because as a jw I wasn’t allowed. We had to remain neutral to the world and talking trump or Trudeau was just really frowned upon when we were in the “truth”
Anna Marina
Could always write to the Soc and ask them to show more consideration to those who are fading or who have left.
Dear Brothers
I am writing to express my appreciation for your surpassing achievements over the last 100 plus years. However, of late I have been disappointed by the drop in your levels of stupidity which have left me with fewer reasons to roll around on the floor laughing. Please may I ask you to address this matter urgently and up your game to what it used to be because I am bored.
Thank you.
Much of it has to do with the fact that this is all primarily print content and now video is everything. Twitter, Instagram, and most importantly - Youtube have crowded out old style message board. Even Reddit is more innovative and active than this site is. As far as Youtube, compare the view of John Cedars JW coverage channel to the content that is found here.
Also, for those of us that spent years or decades in the borg, they are very non-political. Most are not far right or far left - most who were in the organization don't even like politics. I've been our forever (13 years) and I rarely vote for anything, local or national.
Fortunately we can all simply pick up on the threads that appeal to us. What makes for interest are the insights, experiences and knowledge of contributing members.
There have definitely been some changes here over the years. I am on year 19.
The more things change, the more they remain the same. I am still considered an Ass here.
Rub u r so smart too
"To me, the "Org" has gotten less interesting"
millie ...
That is very true, even my steadfast family admit boredom with the current Org.
On this board I well remember the intellect of posters like Alan F, Blondie, Laurallea (sp?) among others . The board was more closely about WTS in those days.
Times change, even the sport forum I use has been taken up by politics in these days of Brexit, lockdown and Black Lives Matter.
But I believe this forum still does its core function, to inform and assist ex JWs. Long may it continue.
Wasanelder Once
I have learned to keep my political opinions to myself and try to focus on WT subjects. Apparently I have a red flag for posting anything of descent on the Don. Its ok, I never was a Don Bible student. Catch that old timers? lol