Question: Where are people getting the power to charge the lawnmower?
The looney left is at it again
by mickbobcat 24 Replies latest social current
Gas powered lawn-mowers are annoyingly loud, I wouldn't mind seeing them banned.
I have a Worx robotic mower, I used to have a Robomow back in the UK. They are THE best thing you can ever buy ... because you never have to mow your lawn again and it's absolutely silent. You could run it at night.
What this will impact is lawn-care companies, because batteries aren't good for storing as much energy as gasoline is. Imagine the number of batteries they would need to do a days work?
And of course, the batteries and power still need to be produced. It's just outsourcing the pollution.
Pete Zahut
Question: Where are people getting the power to charge the lawnmower?
With todays technology, when pugged into a solar panel, a lawn mower battery would charge in about 4-6 hours or 3 hours in a regular home outlet. A larger solar panel would make it quicker. Hopefully one day (by 2035) batteries will be more efficient and eco friendly and wind or solar power will be available to cover the vehicles and equipment that once were gasoline powered.
Oh I see, so if you swing down to the local hardware store to buy a new mower, it will probably come with a solar panel so that you can recharge it overnight.
As someone mentioned there will be a black market in lawn mowers.
No need for a black market, just a trip to the Kalifornia border. Just like many do for ammunition. Time to spend a week end in Vegas baby.
Question: Where are people getting the power to charge the lawnmower?
Well the gubmint is going to give everyone "free" bicycles. They can spend a couple minutes mowing their yard with a battery powered lawn mower, then hop on their free bicycle and peddle like crazy for an hour or two to get enough charge to mow for a few more minutes, then repeat.
Pete Zahut
Oh I see, so if you swing down to the local hardware store to buy a new mower, it will probably come with a solar panel so that you can recharge it overnight.
This law follows Newsom’s 2020 executive order that prohibits the sale of all gas-powered vehicles by 2035.
Yes that's exactly what I mean and by all means make sure you actually do "swing" down to the hardware store, for god's sake don't drive there unless you have an electric vehicle. If you do happen to live in California, make sure you swing down there before the "ban" takes effect but until then you can carry on shouting at kids to get off your lawn and continue polluting and making noise as if you are still in the 1950's when the air was still clean, supplies seemed unlimited and we didn't know any better.
Brock Talon
Just because a new law is introduced that you don't like or agree with it automatically gets labeled fascism.
No, this is not funny at all and I am not just referring to this one law , I am referring to the entire Leftist-driven movement of which this one law is a part.
Let's look at Websters definition of Fascism:
a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Now consider recent events like COVID vaccine mandates that punish offenders by making those their jobs. Others from the Left have offered even more punitive suggestions like not allowing people without a vaccine passport to even shop for food. This control over your own body is defended by the likes of Anthony Fauci who said we need to put aside our own Liberty over the benefit of the country. This coming from people for years who have cried my body my choice for Abortion.Consider the universities today: they used to be bastions of free speech and free thought. Now they are bastions of Leftist ideology where dissenting opinions are literally screamed down and cancelled.
Consider the whole of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. They edit/delete out conservative speech or anything that does not toe the line of Leftist ideology, but in the meantime allow a platform for the Taliban and the Red Communist Chinese government.
It is the Leftists who want to literally cancel (defund) the police and cheered at riots and burning buildings and cars, and run out any attempt to get it under control.
Leftists even want to control your own behavior that does no one buy yourself any harm or goo, like banning Big Gulps in New York City.
Not content with limiting our first amendment rights, the Left is constantly attacking our second amendment rights as well.
I could go on and on. If you don't see this as alarming (and not funny) then you are part of the problem. -
Question: “Where are people getting the power to charge the lawnmower?”
Answer: Greta Thunberg running on a treadmill that powers a charging station.