IMPORTANT MESSAGE for True Believers

by Fire 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fire

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    In the times of the Old Testament the prophets foretold of the coming of a saviour,a Son of God, a King of Kings. The Pharisees, being imperfect men, interpreted these prophecies to mean that a literal king would be coming to nation of Israel. A king who would sit upon a throne and lead the nation in great battles and vanquish their enemies. And so it was that when the humble son of a carpenter appeared to the nation of Israel the Pharisees rejected him and his message. At that time the people of Israel were faced with a grave decision: follow this man named Jesus or follow their own religious leaders, the Pharisees, who told them to wait for the appearance of an actual King. And so we see that the prideful interpretation of imperfect men concerning true and fulfilled prophecy led to a split of the faithful i.e., the followers of Jehovah and the followers of men.

    And so it was as the world proceeded into the End Times, that Jehovah's organization was told of the coming of Christ. And the imperfect men leading Jehovah's organization misunderstood the prophecies and foretold of a literal thousand year reign. So when Jesus did appear and reigned over the earth for one day, the leaders of the Watchtower did not recognize him nor his reign. And once again God's people were faced with a grave decision: To be followers of Jehovah or followers of men.

    "Is this just a fanciful story?" you say. I think not! The scriptures which tell us of the coming reign of Christ (a thousand year reign) are found in the book of Revelation. Does the Bible itself not tell us that the book of Revelation is a symbolic book? Has this not indeed been confirmed to us by the Watchtower organization? Why then do the leaders of the Watchtower insist that Christ's reign will be literal one thousand years? Look at the scripture in 2 Pet. 3:8 "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Do you doubt that Jesus could accomplish his work in one day? Let us look closely at what Jesus himself said. In the book of Matthew many people read what seems to be a contradiction. On the one hand, Jesus fortells in great detail the many signs that will predict his coming (Matt24:1 - 33) and yet we read also that "no man will know the hour or the day". But let us look closely at that scripture, Matt. 25:13. Did Jesus say that no man can predict the time of his return? No, Jesus himself gave us the many signs that would show the men of the earth when he would be returning. What Jesus said in Matthew was, "no man would know the hour or the day", not predict, but the day itself. Does this not indicate that though the end times will be clearly known to all, Jesus' arrival and his work will be done in secret. If Jesus had reigned for a literal one thousand years, every man on the face of the planet would know of his arrival. Therefore, it seems reasonable that Jesus would arrive for one day. For as Peter said " that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Just how secret would Jesus' arrival be? Again Matthew tells us " But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Clearly only Jesus and his Father would know. Therefore it was in the fall of 1975 Jesus arrived on the face of the earth and reigned over the earth for one literal day.

    "But wait!" you say, "what about the resurrection which was to occur? I see no resurrected bodies walking the earth." Let us take a look then at what the Bible says concerning the human body: "for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return" Gen. 3:19 Have the prophets of Old not turned to dust? Therefore to resurrect human bodies, Jehovah would need to gather the dust, and reform those bodies. This mirrors the work accomplished on the sixth day of creation. And as the Watchtower tells us Jehovah on the seventh day proceeded to enter into a day of rest, a Sabbath, a day of rest seven thousand years long; beginning at Adam's creation in 4026 B.C.E. and extending to the year 2975 A.D. To begin the creation of more human bodies, Jehovah would be required to break the Sabbath of his seventh day of rest. I ask you would Jehovah break his own law? I think not. The men of Old were resurrected in spirit bodies, just as Jesus was and only after 2975 A.D. will Jehovah start the creation of new human bodies for them.

    In the year 1975, the stewardship of the things of God, the teachings of Bible truths, was taken from the Governing Body, who had become full of pride and unfaithful to that century-long stewardship. I urge you, do not follow these modern-day Pharisees.

    The Governing Body still proudly hold to their idea of a literal 1000 yr. reign.
    Psa94:11 "The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity."

    1Sm2:3 "Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed."

    Should you continue to follow the Watchtower Organization?
    Prv15:14 The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness.

    Prv19:27 Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge.

    What is my concern for you?
    Rom10:1 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.
    Rom10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

    Go in peace,


  • crossroads

    Fire--You need a shower or to give me some of what
    you are smoking which must have caused this blaze
    you are in. True Believers in What? If it's the bible then
    you would know his name is not jehovah. Now about
    making NEW bodies as a from of creating. If seperating
    the waters in day two was creating than why is not joining
    them together in Noahs day creating?

    Well if our LORD had his reign for a day in 75 I'm glad
    things are much better know and I was saved through
    the holocust. BTW if HE has given HIS kingdom back
    to HIS father. And the Father always wanted his name
    vindicated could you please clear up the name issue
    and tell me please what the fathers name is.

    There is one way one light one truth and it is all
    spritual for ALL THE TRUE BELIEVERS out there.

  • Francois

    God give me patience.

  • Fire

    You may call God whatever you wish as long as it is not the "governing body". Obviously you follow the Bible and seek knowlege and wisdom which is a good thing.
    You will need much patience indeed. 2975 is a long way away.

  • Fire

    I present further truths about 1975:
    Has the GB not taught of the importance of the generation of 1914? In 1975, someone born in 1914 would have been 61 yrs. old! 6 and 1: 6 days of creation & 1 day of Sabbath, in 1975 Mankind was 6000 yrs old with 1000 yrs left to go.
    Following their prideful actions in 1975, the GB became more concerned with worldly gain for their organization than with Bible truths. R. Franz in his book described it:"I found that the Bible was rarely appealed to..." and "...when issues came up, even though Scriptures might be presented, if there was an organizational policy, that policy would take precedence over Scripture." God has warned against this: Prv8:10 "Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold."
    Since 1975 the GB has begun to abandon the true prophesy of 1914; yet another prideful act! Also, they now show their true desires by the new baptismal oath which shows their faith, not in Scripture, but in a worldly organization! Following 1975, the GB was reorganized. No longer would a strong President be guided by the Holy Spirit. Now six committees of worldly men would decide policy for this worldly organization.

    Prv8:9 They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Is this MDS posting under a different name?

  • Francois2

    God give me patience

  • logical


    Nice one on giving us a date for when things will be wrapped up. Only problem is, its 974 years away. Thats the idea, think far ahead in the future, that way you wont be alive and have to explain yourself when your prophecy fails to be fulfilled.

    Welcome to the latest in a long line of prophets. Yet another MAN spewing forth his interpretation of God's word and expecting us all to follow it.

    Do you believe 1914 actually had any significance?

  • logical

    TW, very similar writing style to our favourite false prophet. Could well be, but then again MDS's style was very Watchtower style, so its obviously the WTS conditioning

  • ladonna

    HMMM....I didn't know that you were able to give a public talk via a forum.....

    So sleepy.

    La Donna Ana :-(

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