Whether you were ‘planning for the future’ or not, it’s none of the religion’s business that you had a full-time job or business.
I remember you saying you live in Australia. Maybe the JWs weren’t so much intrusive into people’s personal business as they are here in the U.S. - Here, they think they have a right to be up your behind - and they also have a double standard.. Gross hypocrisy.
As I mentioned to you once, I experienced awful treatment because I had a job but yet older people who were affluent or with a business (whether they were elders or not) were left alone. Imagine that? They thought they would push ‘poverty’ for younger baby boomers back then. I know of three single females who are ‘poor’ today because they listened to this! One gets by with help from non-JW family.
But, thankfully, I never listened to this garbage and am retired today. I wouldn’t want any of the stuck-up pioneers my age who thought I wasn’t ‘spiritual’ coming near me looking for money.. I’d never open my purse for any of them.