There are several leaked elder videos in the zipped file. Use 7-zip or whatever program you use to unzip the folder.
by Atlantis 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks Atlantis!
(And thanks to whoever leaked these to you)
I just watched the one with Splane! Arghh...the smarmy tone he uses is so condescending!
The Splane video, watch online:
7minutes 44seconds of the sonorous shit l listened to for 22 years. Haven’t been near it for 10.
I am glad l lived long enough to put some years between me and that soul-sick toxic life-suck indoctrination .omg.
Now, the Elder giving the ”Pillow Talk”—that should be posted on subways on a continuous loop
Proud of anyone who grabs and posts that stuff in the light of day
It's amazing to me that this group spends the amount of time and research and study and all that shit just to promote their religion. Looking back, it's sad that I was a 100% believer at one point.
At any rate, thanks Atlantis.