Yes, if you don't want to be marked by those in the hall. If you marry someone that the rest of the cong does not aprove of, you will find them sneering at you and you will hear special needs talks given during the service meeting about you with out saying your name. (Real nice bunch huh!).
marriage = jw + jw
by HapEMelissa 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When it comes to marriage, Jw teachings does not df someone from marying a nonbeliver (not jw) or an "inactive" jw or an irregualr jw and so on. But might as well be, because you will be viewd as someone that rejects Bible counsel by the Elders and the cong. THis means that you will be trated as something cheap, or more accurately said you will feel cheap becuase of how youb are dealt with. Years may go by and maybe your marriage is beter that jw jw and maybe your spouse even converted to jw but a resntful (for lack of a better word) attitude toward you by the cong will never be wiped out.
That ugy sisster that never got married will always hate you because here she is loyal to the arrangement and you didnt mary her and all the other single sis will also be angry with you. Hence you will never have the respect that you want from others in the org ever.
If you are a sis and marry "out of the truth" also you will never be viewed with and treated with the respect that you wish. You will alswyas feel the disaproval of your act.
THere is no marking talk for marying an unbeliver but sometimes for dating a non believer.
Many sis in the org are stuck because not enough bros to marry them. Kinda hard for the sis,
many never will get married no sex no nothing only wait for the new system aaaand pray for a marriage mate or listen to the talks in the assemblies about problems of married life and how great it is to be single. sad sad sad.
The jw too on his own will never forgive himself as amatter of principle if he marries a non jw as defined by jws (n0n beliver) because he will always know he did something that he knew was wrong and no matter with what facade of forgivenss he is treated, he knows he failed and he knows that thers will never forget it. If you are like me, you cannot tolerate being treated as a second class human being.
If you are df or labeled a" bad example" forget it man, your up the creek. YOU cant mary a jw because if someone marries such they will experience the pressure.
In ancient WT times, both nmates were disciplined if they seperated een if one was totally innocent, now isometimes it depends on how popular you are in the org and can continue to have "privildges" but that does not apply equally to all separated jws.
Heres the Talmud on this matter, the oral law. You must marry a jw, and the jw that you marry must be "spiritual". If you are a bro and marry a sis which si "weak" forget it man. You are a second class bro if that is does not become "spiritual" as you will be viewed as one who cannot preside over the cong in a fine manner. So she has to put on a show if you want a title if she is not spiritual. If you are a sis and marry a bro that is not reliusly inclined, he will never be "used" and you will feel cheap.
These are my views. Not saying these are Bible truths, ponly my observations.
update : hapemelissa , last night i had elders from my wifes kh visted me home ( wife & i are separated , fighting for custody of my children ) . wanting me to return to wife , offered help , there reasons were that because i was the male & showed intrest in their studies that they could convince here it would be the correct thing . but the real reason is i've file laysuits against 3 menbers of their hall for child endangerment. & 1 of them listed is a wife of a very high city official . they are only concered in their secrect socitey. they really cared less about me or my family , run , run , run
I can tell you from personal experience, it is not a pleasant experience.
I was born and raised a JW, but never took the step of baptism. When my now wife (CJ) and I decided to get married, (I was 24 years old), I was in the process of going through the "formality" of studying the baptismal questions, with a newly appointed elder. That in itself was a bit of a joke, as I was probably as scripturally mature as he.
Anyways, because of previous "improprieties", which we were "disciplined" for, we decided not to tempt fate any further, and proceed with marriage, before my baptism.
This is what resulted:
The elders refused to let us be married in the KH
My uncle who was the Presiding Overseer, refused to marry us in a private ceremony.
My cousin, the P.O's son dropped out as my Best Man.
The elder who was studying with me, also declined to be my Best Man.
CJ's best friend, a regular pioneer, dropped out as Maid of Honour. (Another joke there, years later she ran off with a married brother)
CJ's own brother and his wife, did not attend the wedding.
None of our relatives and friends, in town attended the wedding. ( My Uncle's opinion carried a lot of wieght).
The only people who did agree to celebrate with us, were a few friends of our parents in the city, (and this was done with some arm- wrangling, and pulling of favours, from my then elder dad), and a few friends and relatives from out of town. (Bless them all)
I can't believe, that after all that malarkey, and lack of love, (but strict adherence of eveyone's conscience, to align themselves with my uncle's stand on the matter), that month's later, I did get baptized.
The whole event only awakened my feelings on what a hypocritical organization this was.
xjw_b12 "Millions Now Living Will Never
DieKnow" -
Tink, that poem is definitely a classic (of sorts).
My friend was recently married. My friend's mom & dad didn't show. Mom wanted to come but after dad approached the elders for counsel, that went out the window. Same old story, just different players.