U.K. Nurse Vaccinated With Covid Shot Has Covid Weeks After Getting Vac!

by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
    Anyone got any better ideas? The death toll in the UK hit 100000 yesterday.

    Did it though?

    Look at this chart and headline. Now tell me what pandemic was happening 10 years ago and all the years before that which needed us all to lock down?

    It's a statistical blip. Stop falling for the hyped headlines.

  • Simon

    Also, look at the stats without the peak from the first wave included, when hospitals put people onto ventilators who shouldn't have been and died as a result of their malpractice.

    You get a very different picture.

    You have to dig into the stats in more detail than the news give you to see what is really going on - the news is only interested in clicks.

    For instance: https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n44

    The ONS urged caution in interpreting the figures. Excess deaths were likely to be overestimated because only one bank holiday occurred that week, whereas there were two in four of the five preceding years used for comparison, which would have introduced more significant reporting delays.

    “So, more than half of those covid-19 deaths were statistically in [people who] would have been expected to die in that week ordinarily,” he said. “This week, the reverse was true: excess deaths were greater than deaths involving covid (3566 excess deaths versus 2912 involving covid and 2497 with covid as cause of death), so around 650 deaths did not involve covid.

    The excess deaths figure being higher than the number of deaths caused by covid-19 was “potentially worrying” if it is seen in further ONS updates.

  • Steel

    Did this nurse get her second dose?

    Had 21 days passed after getting her second dose?

    Do she have a mild, moderate or severe case?

    There are a whole bunch of other factors that have to end into this situation.

    The interesting part for me is how well these vaccines keep people from dying. I don’t think a mild case would be such a bad thing if it primes your body against future inflection.

  • Rivergang


    ”Hard science and facts are merely a distraction on a thread like this”.

    I think you might have nailed it there!

  • minimus

    My understanding is the nurse has a mild case and has no major symptoms except fatigue. Still she can’t work along with our staff members because she has it. You say the vaccines help people from dying. Perhaps. Millions and millions and billions don’t have the vac and they aren’t dying either.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I know of a nurse in the UK who had covid last year, got the vaccine in December and is in hospital now with Covid in January. She's BAME which puts her in a higher risk group.

  • FFGhost
    I'm hearing that several people are still getting the virus after vaccination.

    The vaccine requires time for the immunity to "kick in" Plus the vaccine is only 95% effective, meaning that "several people" will still get COVID after vaccination.

    Didn't we already establish these points?

  • FFGhost
    I know of a nurse in the UK who had covid last year, got the vaccine in December and is in hospital now with Covid in January.

    I one time heard about this person who was wearing a seatbelt, got in a head-on auto collision, and died anyway.

    So why bother wearing a seatbelt, hey?

  • Vidiot
    Minimus - "...and afterwards you don’t come down with a slight case of the measles, mumps and so forth."

    See my post literally two entries above this one.

  • mikronboy

    The vaccine is similar to the once in a lifetime pneumonia vaccine. Being 70% effective doesn't mean that 30% of people will still get it. It means that the effects of the disease will, on average, be around 70% less than an unvaccinated person would experience.

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