Now that we have had a "sneak" preview of some of the videos for the upcoming 2018 JW Regional Conventions, we have opportunity to stand back and ponder their content, including their use of language - or in this case, their avoidance of certain words.
In this post, I focus on what I think is a "quaint", if not peculiar, avoidance of certain words that seems to have become a JW organization practice: They avoid use of the actual words "Gay" or "Lesbian" in any of the videos - even in people playing the roles of being gay- or lesbian-friendly.
A case in point is the preview of the video featuring the JW woman purchasing an item in a store where wrist bands are given away with purchases. In the video there is nothing overt about the "kind" of store she has entered - although more subtle cues prevail.
More tellingly, at no point in the video clip does anyone even mouth the words "Gay" or "LGBT". Strange.
Instead, when the lone JW politely declines to take a complementary wrist-band with her purchase, the suddenly angry shop assistant says in a loud (and over-acted) voice, "What have you got against them?" to which the JW quietly replies, "I've got nothing against them." [Emphasis added]
If viewers are wondering what the video is referring to (because no one in the video is "obviously" lesbian or gay or uses the words "lesbian" or "gay") all doubt is removed when the JW - after a seemingly tortured internal thought process - declares that she is not against anyone but "as a JW" she believes what the Bible says about marriage being reserved for a man and a woman.
(As an aside to this cringe-inducing clip, it is probably no surprise that non-JWs are portrayed as angry, loud and intolerant, whereas JWs are humble, godly and quietly-spoken - talk about portraying the enemy in the worst possible light. After all, it would be harder to stand against others if they were shown to be polite and understanding, right?)
This video clip got me wondering about other JW organization's "antigay" messages featured in their videos.
To a last one, no official JW organization video uses the words, "Gay" or "Lesbian".
Even the notorious Sophie video (in which she "innocently" tells her Mom that her school teacher says it is okay for two women to marry as long as they love each other, the word, "Lesbian" is not once used.
A further example: While the very recent "Pillowgate" video is admittedly more focused on unmarried couples engaging in porneia (even though fully clothed) and on what does and does not constitute "masturbation", once the commentary turns to tight fitting pants, out comes the words, "homosexuals" and "homosexuality" - with not one use of the word, "gay".
Is this avoidance - censoring? - of the words "Gay" and "Lesbian" unique to JWs - or is it a characteristic of fundamentalists who refuse to use "friendlier" names?
Of course, I could be wrong in my assertion that JW organization avoids using those words altogether. So I'd be happy if someone knows of instances in JW organization's videos where individuals use the words, "Lesbian" or "Gay".