I doubt they will bother with long term inactive ones, Elders are pretty lazy and lax about actual Pastoral work.
But watch out ! particularly if your fade is in the first two or three years. I did have two Elders call on me after I had been out about 8 years ! it must have been after an Article like this one, which would be about the right timing, the org regurgitates Articles every 4years or so.
One of these idiots said " The Governing Body have asked us to call on you", WHAAAT ! The G.B do not know me, or those Elders, what crap. The same guy, after I had explained to him that the Bible has no weight with me, insisted on reading a Scripture from some obscure book in the O.T, "Nahum" I think, that used the phrase " Return to Jehovah" to ME ! from the Old Testament ! from a book written to the Jews 2500 year ago, not to me or you !
It proved to me that the closed minds of Jehovah's Witnesses are incapable of processing what is said to them.