It may be worth passing this info on to the Canada branch. If it's not Walter Reyes (and they have one), they'll be mighty interested in who might be trying to frame him. If it IS him, may God have mercy on his soul!
Bloody E-Watchman!
by czarofmischief 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
AlanF:There are plenty of non-JWs and ex-JWs who have nothing to do with Ray Franz or his notions on why the Bible doesn't forbid blood transfusions. They've set forth even better arguments than Franz has.
Do you have a link to this information Alan? I would be most interested.
I think it is quite possible that he is being would exactly be the sort of thing e-watchman would do to protect his identity and e-watchman would surely know that his info would be publically available via domain registration. What I am curious about is the address that is NOT affiliated with the Watch Tower....115 Front St. E. Suite #192. I think that is quite possibly the real person's address, but i haven't a clue what business is at that address. There are quite a few different offices in that building.
Hi, Czar,
I have two thoughts on this, although let me congratulate you first on your clear presentation.
The first is that one can take the blood arguement to an even deeper level, and I think that it would be a level that the Society would be desperate to stay out of, as it destroys the very foundation of their argument. It is a take-off on Jesus' question as to which makes the other holy, the alter, or the sacrifice on the alter? In this case, would it be the blood, or the life in the blood?
I posted an analysis of this about a year ago on this board for the benefit of that Canadian brother who was DFed for allowing his daughter to receive a blood transfusion. You can find it here, if you're interested:
Secondly, I'm going to disagree (friendly like) with Stephanus that E-Watchman/YouKnow/Walter Reyes has anything at all to worry about concerning the Society finding out about him. I have felt for a long time now that his writing, lack of fear, and attitude -- and especially his endurance in the face of almost universal condemnation --- smacked of a man who was performing an assignment that was given him by his superiors. Those superiors would be the Society itself, perhaps even members of the GB. The rationale would be, of course, that those "innocent sheep that accidentally wander into the apostate websites need to see a counter argument to the heresies therein."
His departures from the party line would be merely a part of the cover necessary to prevent the members of this board from becoming overly alarmed. (Is there anyone out there who thinks the Society wouldn't be that sneaky?) LOL!
Even the fact the he is in the Canadian branch fits, considering the personalities involved. After witnessing their duplicity in such matters as the UN and their legal conduct, should it surprise any of us if they wish to "compartmentalize" the possible damage if this matter should become public? The fact that he is a minor official of a branch office outside the country should go far to maintain their "plausible deniablility". Think about it.
sf did quite a job of gaining information on him. I was unaware that such was available. I would suggest that some footwork needs to be done, both literally and figuratively. Would Hawkkaw have contacts that would throw light on this?
In my past reading of YouKnow's writings, he doesn't strike me as the type to "frame" anyone, especially anyone in the "mother" organization.
We cannot expect the Society to admit that they put him up to this --- in words. However, they can be made to tell us in other ways. Pin this matter down as much as possible, and then make sure that the Society receives all information. If they do nothing, then we know that they already knew all about it, as well as a good hunch that the reason they won't do anything to him is that he knows too much and has them by the balls.
If they do punish him, then he will finally have his eyes open as to the qualifications of his "loving shepherd", and most of his noisiness will subside.
For what it's worth ...........
Hey Twurley. Good Job as always.
The first is that one can take the blood arguement to an even deeper level, and I think that it would be a level that the Society would be desperate to stay out of, as it destroys the very foundation of their argument. It is a take-off on Jesus' question as to which makes the other holy, the alter, or the sacrifice on the alter? In this case, would it be the blood, or the life in the blood?
Brilliant line of reasoning. I'm not surprised that there are many more ways to explain a more moderate position on blood - moderation is a guiding principle throughout the Bible, and indeed, makes me think it might be more inspired than I currently give it credit for...
As for whether Walter is being framed... I don't know. He does keep up a facade of being "Walter". I don't think e-watchman really IS Walter Reyes. He would probably have some way to hide from anyone at the WT. He is an arrogant jerk, though.
Is he working for the WT? I find that hard to believe. He might be working under orders from a single member of the GB who is looking to counter the hard-liners like Jaracz. But who would do that? J.R. Brown?
I would not want to jump to any conclusions. It would truly be amazing if the whole You Know/e-watchman thing was a WT conspiracy, much less the solo efforts of a WT branch official, but either way would almost be impossible to prove. If the WT wanted to set up a fake apostate website, why give the phone number of the branch office? Does that make any sense? -- Leolaia
Don't you get bored of talking about Watchtower? and to the degree of putting all that effort?
Czar, Excellent comments on the issue of blood transfusion. Of course, we know that no one at WTS will even consider this information.
UMMMM...... I thought Bill Bowen was a good guy ie., Silent Lambs and all?
Joker10, Just change the channel sweetie, then you won't have to deal with the Watchtower this and that chat.
Would anyone at WTS really spend time on this stuff? Maybe its a reg pio. who needs time and is young enough to understand hide n seek on the net.
E-Watchman has as much right to post as any one of us. But it is only those who give him long and detailed responses that he finds disproportionate importance. Let him have his say. That is what a "forum" is all about. If it is annoying...just ignore the posting!