I love The Borg!! It fits so well. People are absorbed into the Borg Continuim.
What is your favorite nickname for the Society?
by slipnslidemaster 59 Replies latest jw friends
I often refer to it as "the Tower." The term seems cold, uncaring, and controlling.
...counting time at the Coffee Shop -
Disgusting image, but so accurate. -
Okay, I can't be original on this one. I like the Borg.
.....Take us out of here, warp 10.
Still at warp speed -
I like Borg, none of them have a thought of their own.
I'm surprised that this post has any responses at all, let alone the number that is has received. It is a waste of time, except for some sort of feel-good effects.
My favorite expression for the WTS is "WTS." I embelish from time-to-time depending upon the points I want to make, but the WTS is the WTS.
Where's the BEEF? These kinds of threads are braindead, IMNSHO.
Witchtower Babble and Crap Society
Jehovis Witlesses
The Borg (v. good)
Yes, you are correct. My inspiration comes from the film 'Airplane.'
I have also seen 'spartacus' and 'The Gladiator' with Russell Crowe. In real life I am too am a Gladiator, though it's geting harder to find the venues and enough people and animals to fight.
Do you er like Gladiators?
I agree Farkel!
What a waste of space, but since you used some I will too
I like what Venice had to say about the "center" I usually just call it the org. Same mentality, an organization, plain and simple. Nothing special about it -
When I first went to H20, I coined the expression BIG-O, for Big Organization. (I borrowed this from a tire company sign, call Big-O, that is popular on the West Coast. Some have since reminded me that Big-O can mean other things related to sexual experiences. LOL I have at times referred to the Watch Tower as the Witch Tower. But, much of the time, I simply use WTS for ease of typing.