Or didn't you say it was because you disagreed with JWs on the ransom doctrine? - SBF
No the ransom had nothing to do with my decision to leave the cult. I wrote an article about the ransom long after I decided to leave.
I left because ..
1 - I worked out through personal research that the cult were wrong about the parousia, blood, the great crowd, end-time prophecy and a number of other issues
2 - The had lied and used deceit to cover up some of these errors
3 - Disagreeing about anything the cult says is forbidden.
The reasons you initially left are not the same as the list you give now
Yes they are. Since leaving I also discovered a lot of other scandals and abuses that I was unaware of when I left. Even if these additional things did not exist it would make no difference to my decision to leave.
There has never been a single moment in 20 years when I have questioned my decision. They are an evil abusive cult and the men who are responsible for their doctrines are ignorant, unintelligent and deceptive in equal measure.
If people stop on the way out, to consider the good and the bad, and make a considered choice, how can that be a bad thing?
You are not on your way out. You have been out for decades.
They are wrong about the divine name. Pacifism is morally indefensible.
As I said you are a 'useful idiot'.