Their father is a Pizza Chit! He saw them less as daughters, and more as a "Golden Ticket" out of da 'hood! He built them up, marketed them, and cashed out. Typical USER. He would have made a great Elder, except there was no money to be made in it. lol
JWs in the news: "‘I Slay and Pray’- Jehovah’s Witness Serena Williams Reflects on Her Faith With Daughter Olympia in a Candid Confession"
by Balaamsass2 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Why are so many JW Celebrities black?
LV101 Good thing her father was a non-witness or they never would have had the sports opportunity/financial success.
She's clearly not the most logical thinker of all time.
He built them up, marketed them, and cashed out.
With the fame and fortune they have as a result, I am guessing they are glad he did so.
Why are so many JW Celebrities black?
I feel like there should be a punchline coming to that...
Why are so many JW Celebrities black?
Because the The Jackson family made being a Jehovah's Witness look cool.
It all started because of a JW Mom named Katherine Jackson.
From eldest to youngest: Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, La Toya, Marlon, Brandon, Michael, Randy and Janet.
In the end only Katherine and Rebbie remained Jehovah's Witnesses. Wikipedia puts Katherine as 94 years old with no mention of a death date.
Is Venus a witness?
Anony Mous
@Aclue: Katherine is still alive, she resigned her custody over MJ's kid (now 23) only last week.
@TheListener: Yes, baptized and going in service etc.