Kingdom Hall owner is deceased

by DevonMcBride 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • DevonMcBride

    Here is a link to the deed for a Kingdom Hall near me. Listed as owners are 3 men, one is the PO, another is an elder, and one is deceased. The deceased man has a son who is not a JW. I'm wondering why the Watchtower would put Kingdom Hall deeds under individual names and if the non-JW son has any claim to one-third of this property since he is next of kin. I checked other Kingdom Hall deeds in my area and they have Jehovah's Witnesses listed as the owner rather than individuals.


  • Valis

    Doesn't a lot of it depend on whether or not the WTBTS lent money to the congo to build the hall?


    District Overbeer

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yes that is a surprise as I understood that all the Kingdom halls are owned by the WT society. Must be a good legal reason for them not owning it.


  • blondie

    Actually, the KH is owned by a corporation made up of 3 elders from that congregation selected by the elder body. If one dies or moves away or is DF'd or DA'd or becomes unqualified, then a replacement elder is selected. The WTS only becomes the owner if the corporation is dissolved. There was quite a long thread on JWD about how non-profit corporations are handled.

  • sf
    The deceased man has a son who is not a JW.

    Which is it whom is deceased?


  • sf


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  • sf

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  • sf

    Ah, I see to whom it is; upon more careful reading.


  • Euphemism

    Generally, if a KH is in the name of individuals rather than a corporation, then the individuals are trustees. Trusteeship is not inheritable, and the trustees have no claim on the property for personal use, only for the purpose of the trusteeship.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    I just double checked in my handy dandy "asset locator" that the online legal research company sees fit to give to law students. It says the same thing that this link does. It's a little clearer, though. This Whelen guy is definitely the trustee...however, the other two guys, Eichler and Betz are owners. The deed does not say HOW they hold title, and if the actual deed as recorded doesn't say, a court would interpret it to mean they are 50-50 owners (I'm 98 % sure that's true in Pennsylvania). So if one of the owners dies, his share goes to his heirs, and that is whomever he left it to in his will, which could have been the other guy. The actual deed on file could also have granted a right of survivorship, which in my family we called "winner takes all" after a very nasty battle with my step aunt whose father died before my grandmother. There is nothing on this deed that grants ownership to JW congregation, only that a JW congregation granted it to them (for $1). What is not public record, though is who exactly is the beneficiary of the trust of which Whelen is trustoring. Additionally, this property was not conveyed into a trust (from what I can see-those are usually really easy to see, an owner conveying it into the "Eichler Family Trust". One could only speculate...Anyone know if there were any local "legal" issues in Huntington Valley PA around the time these elders got the Kingdom Hall for a buck? This looks like asset shielding to me. Hmmm. (and who says posting on this board keeps me from studying for my properties midterm....). I also checked "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Pennsylvania. They are on the deeds to about 20 pieces of property that immediately popped, usually as local congregations. Didn't run WBTS, cause we already know they own tens of thousands of proeprties in the country. Shoshana.

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