What is the name of this specific book?

by QuestionAskerPersonMan 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • QuestionAskerPersonMan

    I'm taking a class, and we are learning about JWs. My teacher is talking about a "big brown book" that is used for any questions or scriptures quoted by the person who JWs are talking to. He used it in the context that if they don't know the answer off the top of their head, they look for the verse in this book.

    What is the name of this book?

  • pale.emperor

    Reasoning From The Scriptures - but it wasnt big, it was the same size as the songbooks.

  • QuestionAskerPersonMan

    Yes he has that one. He said there is a much bigger one that they brought out. He said they took it out when he said that hell is "philosophically a place with the absence of god"

  • darkspilver

    big brown book.... they look for the verse in this book.

    Sounds like the Comprehensive Concordance? - about the same size as the old magazine bound volumes, but printed on thin 'bible paper'.


    Search With a Bible Concordance. A Bible concordance is an alphabetic index of words used in the Bible. It can help you locate scriptures that relate to the subject on which you are doing research. As you explore them, you will learn other helpful details. You will see evidence of “the pattern” of truth set forth in God’s Word. (2 Tim. 1:13) The New World Translation contains a basic listing of “Bible Words Indexed.” The Comprehensive Concordance is much more extensive. If it is available in your language, it will direct you to all the texts containing each of the principal words in the Bible.

  • sparky1

    Yes Darkspilver...........sounds reasonable that this is the book he was talking about. Sort of dark maroon-brownish. Printed in 1973 I believe.

  • pale.emperor

    Sorry, my bad. I actually never even seen this book. I was of the CD Rom class.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello QAPMan,

    sparky 1 gave the right picure of the cover page. It was printed in 1973 (only 200.000

    copies ). Has 1274 pages . Btw quite useful when you don't remember all

    verse but only a word . It will give you all the places where that " specific " word appears.

    Greeting to all

    CH MacHislopp

    Link / -0
  • QuestionAskerPersonMan

    He says that might be it. He told me after class that it is about the same size as Reasoning from the Scriptures but was much thicker. Is it still this Comprehensive Concordance then?

  • darkspilver

    He told me after class that it is about the same size as Reasoning from the Scriptures but was much thicker. Is it still this Comprehensive Concordance then?

    No, the Concordance is 'magazine' size for width and height, but about as thick as bible.

    Reasoning book is half the size, similiar to the standard song book.

    Maybe it was the mini-concordance / scripture index in the back of the Bible?

    Or might be one of those customized Bible/Reasoning book combos you used to be able to get?

  • QuestionAskerPersonMan

    Is there any other book that fits the description? This is for extra credit in the class.


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