I tend to believe that God does hear prayers, he can ansure them in other planes of time that we don't understand and that we will be in latter in our life or possibly in some other dimension. I do not think he gives us dead air space after we speak to him. Our request have far reaching implications for us beyond what can understand in our time line that we are living presently.
I don't think we should give up praying ever...
by Singing Man 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I think you repeated yourself word for word there Singing Man.
Anyways, nothing wrong with praying.
I don't pray, yet I still achieve and get the things I need/want, because I work for them.
No prayer required. The only time I put my two hands together is to do work, which achieves the same thing.
But if one must pray, no harm in doing so. Go for it.
Who ARE those masked men?
So, you're saying that when I prayed for this and that and the other thing and NOTHING HAPPENED, I can assume God answered them in "another dimension." Great. That's a load off my mind.
They are the two avataars here that give me the creeps lol - no offense meant!
I must be the only one who notices the advertisements that come up with these threads. This one was absolutely nutty:
Automatically "prays"?? when you turn your car on, and continues till you turn it off!
I remember seeing something like this in Japan: prayer papers would be attached to special windchimes, and when the wind blew and the chime made noises... well, prayer was a-happening. So convenient for the busy lifestyle! Set it and forget it!
LOL - not u gumby - the strange looking dude with the wierd eyeballs doesn't scare me <grins>
It's those two <points up>
I think god gives us "dead air space."
Nathan Natas
I disagree, SingingMan.
I'm an atheist; I believe there is no god, and that nothing fails like prayer.
Given that, why should I continue to pray?