Nothing wrong with expressing your personal views or feelings on this topic. I would like to hear them expressed.
Should Blood Transfusions be forced?
by Fisherman 19 Replies latest watchtower medical
1.There are times when a doctor decides that the only life saving medical treatment -short of a miracle- is a blood transfusion. In such a case, what should be done when a person refuses treatment on religious grounds and why?
If an Adult JW wants to commit suicide, I`m good with that..
So was my mom's Doctor, he told her so....LOL!!..
The government should step in when Children are involved..
Adult JW "Dooms Day" Crazies, shouldn`t be allowed to make decisions for children..
2. Should a person be allowed to "mutilate" his body and why?
WTF does that mean?
Outlaw: WTF does that mean? probably has something to do with that sign language video
JW GoneBad
"Should Blood Transfusions Be Forced?"
Blood transfusions should be considered as a form of medical harm in that!
Wanna play a game? If you can prove to me through the bible that the blood ban is scriptural, I will return to the witnesses immediately. If I can prove to you that Jewish people were allowed to eat blood (animals that were not bleed) you have to leave this webpage never to return.
If you can prove to me through the bible that the blood ban is scriptural.
I am only asking for sincere personal views and feelings on this thread.
I will return to the witnesses immediately.
How are you so sure that the door is still open for you?
you have to leave this webpage never to return.
Why? What prevents you from posting your views on this forum?
Yes, it would allow JWs to live while keeping them off the hook so they couldn't be disfellowshipped for wanting to see their children graduate from High School. Best of all, the GB could stop the hair-splitting bullshit about which blood components Jehovah approves of. Everyone wins.
Fisherman what do you mean
2. Should a person be allowed to "mutilate" his body and why?
2. Should a person be allowed to "mutilate" his body and why?
It is legal for people to tatoo their faces and bodies from head to toe, cut off parts of their tongue, "sex changes", pierce their entire bodies bodies in a gruesome manet and more less do whatever they like to their bodies left to the imagination.
2. Should a person be allowed to "mutilate" his body and why?
It is legal for people to tatoo their faces and bodies from head to toe, cut off parts of their tongue, "sex changes", pierce their entire bodies bodies in a gruesome manet and more less do whatever they like to their bodies left to the imagination......Fisherman
If people want tattoo's or piercings, it`s none of your business..
Why the big concern?
You don`t mind the disgusting things Watchtower does, as long as it`s legal..