I like to think that I got past the "angry" stage quite a number of years ago now.
Are You An Angry Exjw At This Point In Your Life?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
resolute Bandicoot
Come on over VW.
@ resolute Bandicoot. I take it that you are an Ozzie by your name. I Had a pet Bandicoot as a child. I'm from Queensland. State moto, " beautiful one day perfect the next ". What a crock. Mostly I'm inside in air conditioning to escape the heat. Cheers.
I was very angry at the beginning of me journey away from the borg. Once i realized that it was basically my own fault that I stayed soooooo long as a jw, I began to heal. The amazing freedom that I now experience each and every day completely over rides the resentment I once had.
I sincerely hope that other "lifers" will one day wake up from the FOG created by the wtbts as well and experience true freedom!
just saying!
I have been here a long time with Minimus since he was the 7 Up Dot. He certainly would be talking of people like me. I was the angry ex-JW and have let much of it go.
As time goes by, you realize that clinging to all your anger issues allows them to continue to "rent space in your head." Sure, my wife is still a JW, but carrying a chip on my shoulder constantly only serves to wreck my shoulder and does nothing to free my wife from the cult.
We get that we cannot let go of every issue, and we don't belittle those whose closest loved ones shun them. But when we want some serenity, we have to let some things go.
My anger has long since subsided, fortunately.
We should be angry of how they're still duping people into believing, while now they can do it sitting on a fold up chair in any subway station while not talking to practically know one all day and still get their time in.
We should be angry with all the new light, that changes overnight and they just lap it up like hungry dogs with out any thought process like they can now take blood fractions, whatever that is, but it comes from blood, which they are totally against taking
stan livedeath
not any more.
i resigned from the cult in 1971--aged 23. i attended a meeting every few weeks to keep the nag sweet. no one shunned me---i think most accepted i was no longer a jw--but had done nothing "wrong"--which i hadnt.
then in 81 i had an affaire with a married dub--she was d/f, but it was announced--in my absense--that i couldnt be d/f--because i wasnt a witness! proof positive! but--i was an apostate--so should be shunned by all.
i really couldnt care less.
my wife divorced me--but i kept joint custody of my kids. a few years later--i remarried--and life became very difficult in maintaining contact with my kids. i realised they were being turned against me--to the point they refused to meet with me any more. they wwre shunning me!
things went from bad to worse--solicitors letters back and forth..until in the end i was advised to back off and leave them alone. at this stage--about 1988 i became very bitter towards the cult--i knew they were being brainwashed into it. luckily--my own jw parents never shunned me--and i think this resulted in my father ceasing to be an elder.
after this i lost all connection to the jw cult---it was years later my father let slip my son had been d/f--but didnt know any details..
it was around 2009 i discovered this crazy online worldwide gang of ex-jw.s. i had no idea the cult had grown so big! i thought it had all but died out.
now-- i spend far too much time on ex jw internet sites like this..ive seen quite a few come and go
i'm not angry towards the individual dubs--just because friends from 40 years ago have shunned me doesnt mean ive shunned them! any would be more than welcome to look me up--if they have seen the light and quit.
i like to read anything that paints the watchtower in a bad light. its nothing more than a business--selling god. i think the kingdom hall cash grab will be the undoing of it all, i know back in the 60's it was the dream of most dubs to have their own hall. to have to move out--sell up and hand over their cash must cause a lot of deep rooted anger--even though most wont admit it.
from time to time i come across pro-dub comments on some facebook sites--and i usually try to provoke a debate or argument. it passes the time--but accomplishes nothing.
I keep my anger going about the Paedophile issue, everything else really doesn't bother me now.
Yes, I am a little saddened that my JW family have distanced themselves somewhat, and that other JW's I thought were friends have got even further away, but I knew it would happen.
I feel anger only toward the GB and their string-pullers, it is callous in the extreme to not safeguard children and the vulnerable, but they refuse. They show no regard for victims of abuse, no interest in preventing more Abuse.
Heartless Bastards.
compound complex
No I'm not. If you keep moving forward in your waking up process rage is only a temporary part of it, kind of like the stages of grief. It's not healthy to maintain anger. -- sparrowdown
The stages of grief apply to awakening from the grips of a cult.
There is the Denial, the Anger, the Bargaining, the Depression, and the Acceptance. -- stuckinarut2
No. I am amazed at how well-adjusted I have become in my new life, given how mentally and emotionally messed up I had been during my entire pitiful existence.
Learning about the specific stages of grief and understanding my step-by-step movements through each of the five provided tangible proof that I was healing, calming down, accepting who I am and no longer wanting to kill myself.