I know they never gave a helping hand to anyone but their own in the past. Do Jehovah's Witnesses do anything useful for the community???
Do JWs Ever Do Anything Meaningful For Others?
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
Community responsibility and charity are a waste of time to them as Jehovah will sort it soon, imminently, etc, etc.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses do anything useful for the community???
They dust off door bells.
Do JWs Ever Do Anything Meaningful For Others?
JW`s are Full of Mean.
Ask anyone who has had any interaction with them.
They piss people off on a regular basis.
DUMBO projects in Brooklyn and other concessions have been made to the city or town they are in so that they may get something out of it. There seems to be no real honest humanitarian concerns for the people.
There seems to be no real honest humanitarian concerns for the people.
You expect a Cult that supports worldwide genocide, to have humanitarian concerns?
JW`s want everyone who isn`t a JW...
Those who do, go against the WTBTS directives. There are some who donate or volunteer, but they could get "counciled" to stop if tattled on to an elder doing his "job".
The WT doesn't do anything good with an exception of teaching a different language. Even that has strings attached to the cult.
They offer magazines, which are full of life saving information...
Seriously...you jest?? Community??? The repulsive soon to be cadavers rotting in their new world?? Sadly.....no....their best contribution is paying their taxes and maintaining whatever property they own.
I have known kind elders in the past who genuinely did do much for friends and neighbours.The elder who first studied with me, sadly passed away 10 years ago now, did much to help me personally. He would fix anything for neighbours and others, and took time out to help where needed. Sadly, recently appointed elders, ( once sons of elders themselves), seem to display a very selfish spirit, and only put a show of kindness on when they know it can be observed. I know of one or two elderly sisters, who hving lost their husbands tread a lonely path in the street as they failed to make any friends outside the JW establishment. What a waste of potential...