I have caught myself preaching while in a few of those rooms, till I had to tone it down a bit and say just tell them what you personaly think, not what the WT says.
Do any of you preach on yahoo or MSN chat rooms?
by Singing Man 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals
what rooms, singing man? could you be more specific? are you going to WT rooms?
Gretchen (who is blonde but needs clarification anyway)
Singing Man
Well the rooms I mean is in Yahoo.com they have chat rooms as well as MSN, MSN has a lot of rooms but Yahoo easy to get into.
naa..when I went into yahoo chat rooms it was in the romance rooms.. most guys just wanted to talk sex.. or see if I had pics to share..
I actually met my bf in one of them... he's a keeper.. so I am not in them now..
zen nudist
I am on Yahoo all the time, and I preach honesty
I don't mind anyone telling me any beliefs and faiths they have...but when the PRETEND to KNOW, I call them on it.
and its easy to spot: those who claim their beliefs are facts and their faiths are knowledge are essentially deceiving themselves and others and I find it very easy to get them to involved in deep discussions.
They are so sure of their own views that they cannot stop themselves....and then they are mine....muuuuhaaaa!!!!
oh did I say that outloud? (^o^)
Yahooooooligans (jws ) are phun!!
Gretchen, go to yahoo's main page and select 'chat' hyperlink. Or you can install yahoo messenger.
Once there, you'll see 'religions/ beliefs'. Click it. Then you'll see a list of 'YAHOO ROOMS' that are displayed. Next to the words: yahoo rooms is 'USER ROOMS'. This is where anyone can create and open a room with any title they choose. We choose a title that lures jws in, such as JW ROOM....LOLOLOLOLOL( slipmaster and cygnus know why i'm laughing...so does venice and hyghlandyr).
Yahoo has voice chat and webcam features.
Happy trails!
sKally, 'wturls' on yahoo circuit of apostates klass
happy man
Ofcourse, i think many Jw have find the net to preach on, so easydontnead to go out , can fins evry peoepl in the world as have internet, evrybody athome, cant be better, my hours have increase vry much sens internet star upp, it is realy blessing from jehova.
Belifenet is one good place.
love from HM
no ..but i visited lots of chat rooms and i have seen quite a few bros /sis pass through preaching.they often get shouted down or called names by ppl and thats just the christian rooms lol.
if you don't know the history of the WTS and the changeing light etc.they actually make the most sense and are polite and more informed than a lot of christians on the net .this is compard to a room of christians telling non belivers or people who dont belive in exactly the same way as them, that there gonna burn in hell fire forever and then they'll be sorry for not listening to that individiauls opinion on what the bible means.
its pretty dam scary out there incyberxian land . the WTs is begining to seem pretty normal lol
When I bought my first dialup modem, I joined Prodigy. (This was probably 1990 or 1991, so don't be too harsh on my choice, plus the Prodigy disk came with the modem...)
Anyway, one of the first things I did was get on the religion section and offer to answer any questions people may have about Jehovah's Witnesses. I did get some responses, but it was usually from a vile apostate. Basically the religion section on Prodigy was not too friendly towards dubs. All the real dubs hung out in some other section that had nothing to do with religion.
Ah...Prodigy. I loved the 2400 baud speed and the ads at the bottom of each screen.
im embaressed to say i thought prodigy was demonized cause of them name.lol
shakes head