My wife and I were talking today about how we just don't miss the meetings, the service, the association..... We miss NOTHING. She's been a JW for over 25 years and I've been for more than 45 years----and once we simply stopped going, there was no sadness, no questioning our decision. It's almost like we are carrying on as if we were never Witnesses. Obviously, my wife has come along way, especially since reading Ray Franz' books. My daughter carries on as if she was never raised a JW.......We're doing pretty good, huh?
This Is So Weird----We Don't Miss Even A Little Bit----Our Being Witnesses!
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
THANK YOU minimus, I started a similar thread a few days ago and had one person rip on me for asking why I let go and didnt miss it and others just continually DWELL. I do not miss it at all and am glad there are others like me
At first (after deciding to not go back to JW's) I felt a little lost. I briefly even considered inserting another religion into my life in place of the JW's. But thanks to wonderful literature from Ray Franz and websites like Freeminds and this one, soon it became very easy to leave everything behind and NEVER look back.
Going back would, as some posters have aptly pointed out, like a dog going back to its vomit.
I enjoy taking my daughter out for sunday breakfasts. I love staying out late on Saturdays and sleeping in on Sundays. I like working on meeting nights and making money. I don't miss "it", at all.
Ditto minimus. The very thought of going to a meeting makes me shudder.
Guest 77
Min, my wife and I don't even discuss anything about the witnesses. Everything is family and what's gotta be done around the yard and house. Weird feelings, what's that, we have shaken the dust off our feet. I have always said, my life does not depend on what people think of me. My door swings both ways.
Guest 77
I feel that is because we were gone mentally from the JW routine long before we were physically.
I miss the massive penis envy from all the other brothers when I was on microphone duty.
Now that there is so much talk about nano-technology, I finally have the vocabulary for the length of time I missed attending the Bordumb Society Book Sales classes...exactly one nanosecond!
Blondie, I agree with you. Getting out mentally is the way to go 1st. Then, it's easier to see things in perspective. After that, it's obvious that the "world" is not as bad as they'd have you believe. Then getting together with "worldly" family and friends is the icing on the cake.