By 1984 I was in my 6th regular pioneer. year. I was preaching like an energizer bunny. because the end was so very close.
40 Years Ago Today: May 15th 1984 "1914 Generation" issue was released. False prophecy, thy name is WatchTower.
by WingCommander 49 Replies latest jw friends
Beth Sarim
.....""it"" will always be..close.
Thats the hook,, which keeps the dubbies going
Thats what they're sold,, and they buy it.
Even if ‘it’ were technically coming tomorrow, I am still Glad I got out of the JW religion.
I’m just grateful I never caved in to pressure to quit my job!.. It makes me cringe to think about the consequences now if I had made this awful mistake… When they got rid of the hourly reporting & time slips at the 2023 annual meeting, I was proved super-right that I never listened all those years ago!
I had enough of them.
WTC has never shied away from being considered a prophet. I have a talk outline that specifically calls the WT magazine a prophet. They dance around the meaning of the word “prophet” when challenged on failed declarations, but openly declare that they meet a limited interpretation of being a prophet. Of this there is no doubt.
i have never criticized WTC for having a sense of urgency about the end of the system. The problem is that they have put dates to that end (numerous times) and strongly declared that it is near as in less than a year - for MANY years.
Their cry of wolf is irresponsible and disingenuous. As a result, their followers make terrible life decisions and a large number have ceased to have any regard for a divine power, losing their trust in all religion. THAT is the fallout from making false prophesies.
Why they continue to do this is obvious but I will state the reasons anyway:
1. It is a distraction from all the problems that the Org has created for itself.
2. It stimulates giving $$.
3. Followers re-focus on the Org instead of their own life problems.
4. The hysteria hypes the Org as having the inside scoop on matters of divine importance when they are simply self-appointed high school graduates at the helm of a corporate conglomerate with 4-5 million followers.
I am no prophet but I think the gig is just about up for WTC. They will not be able to continue with shrinking donations and increasing legal challenges. At present, their nose is just above the water line.
The WTS has an interesting way to say they are prophesying but not prophets: 1961 "The use of prophesying or the preaching of the good news with understanding and teaching others would result in benefits to those in the congregation and even unbelievers; or ordinary people who might come along could be instructed and come to learn how to worship Jehovah God." Prophesying = preaching (the prophecies written in the bible). But the WTS goes on to try to interpret by using phrases, "the bible does not say, but" and then proceeds to interpret it. (Not supporting WTS viewpoint, just reporting)
Yes, WT are the absolute MASTERS of weasel-wording their way around in such a way as to take credit, but never bare any responsibility for their ridiculous proclamations, harmful (organ transplants, blood doctrine) false, or flat out lies.
Satan himself must be stand back in awe........fuggin' awe.......that is the glow from WatchTower's forked tongue!
Yes, that is what really gets me about the Witness religion: least at this point, there appears to be No justice for people harmed by their teachings - whether past or present.
All we can do is be thankful we got Out of there.
All we can do is be thankful we got Out of there.
I was talking with my sister last night about this very thing. We are so grateful to be out. Our brother and his family are still in, many many health issues and facing just a few years more of not so golden years.
They can't understand why we left, and we can't understand why they would stay with all the false predictions and prophecies.
It is probably the ‘sunk cost fallacy’ why some JWs stay there…Besides, everybody has their own personal reasons why they really want out.. Maybe some people weren’t personally singled out for anything like I was.
I was treated so badly because I worked full-time, but always had ‘hope’ things would get better.. Silly, I know but that’s the daydreamer I was.
It wasn’t until something concrete happened- like the 1995 Generation teaching - that I knew I had to get out. I realized they were stringing everybody along.. I procrastinated and around 2001 I finally left.. In my observations through JW ‘friends’ in the following years, I was glad that I left.. I’m not much interested in JWs who stay for whatever reason. What’s most important is that I got myself out and have no family there to worry about.
I actually do get it. ATM I think I was feeling a little sad for my brother and the delayed gratification etc. And his wife is very very ill, and it's very hard for them...their choice I know. Their life within the congregation is pretty good, I think. They are looked after more than most it sounds like. It works for them.
I left in 2001 also and never regretted it for one second. It was difficult, but it was the surest decision I have ever made.