Dating an unbeliever? I think I saw the snippet of the scripture, and it blatantly referred to those meddling in others' business. That means, if they are marking you for dating an unbeliever, they themselves should be marked for meddling in your business. And that goes for most of the "stumbling" offenses. So I am stumbled because you have LED lighting, a tub of Australia Kookaburras, or your daughter had an ice cream cone instead of donating to the Worldwide Damnation Fund? If I am stumbled, it is because I am trying to meddle. Or, someone is stumbled because you have a couple of Michael Jackson songs or Saturday Night Fever in your MP3 player--they are stumbled because they are meddling.
There is nothing "walking disorderly" because you have better items, or because you happen to enjoy the Thriller or Saturday Night Fever albums. But, someone going in, prying in, and then blabbing to the whole congregation about these items as if they were horrible--that is meddling, and that is what the whole thing is supposed to be about. Even dating "an unbeliever" falls into "meddling"--would they rather someone be committing fornication indiscriminately? Or, marrying someone they are not attracted to because the hounders say so, only to deal with an adultery a couple of years later?