Marking Talks are back!?!?! - New Name!

by thedepressedsoul 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    Dating an unbeliever? I think I saw the snippet of the scripture, and it blatantly referred to those meddling in others' business. That means, if they are marking you for dating an unbeliever, they themselves should be marked for meddling in your business. And that goes for most of the "stumbling" offenses. So I am stumbled because you have LED lighting, a tub of Australia Kookaburras, or your daughter had an ice cream cone instead of donating to the Worldwide Damnation Fund? If I am stumbled, it is because I am trying to meddle. Or, someone is stumbled because you have a couple of Michael Jackson songs or Saturday Night Fever in your MP3 player--they are stumbled because they are meddling.

    There is nothing "walking disorderly" because you have better items, or because you happen to enjoy the Thriller or Saturday Night Fever albums. But, someone going in, prying in, and then blabbing to the whole congregation about these items as if they were horrible--that is meddling, and that is what the whole thing is supposed to be about. Even dating "an unbeliever" falls into "meddling"--would they rather someone be committing fornication indiscriminately? Or, marrying someone they are not attracted to because the hounders say so, only to deal with an adultery a couple of years later?

  • Listener

    If it's now changed to a 'warning talk' I wonder if they are planning on introducing more rules for when a JW doesn't head the 'warning'. Maybe this will be an extension on 'brazen behavior'.

  • LisaRose

    Where in the bible does is say the elders should publicly humiliate someone who is doing something they don't like?

  • schnell

    "Gossiping is bad, everybody. Don't do that, it's not Christian... Now, here's a talk about something awful one of you is doing, so if anyone knows who it is, mark them as bad association and report them."

  • snugglebunny

    The name change will be to do with the possibility of a "marked" person taking legal action for defamation. A "warning" is far more general and avoids specifics, having more to do with counselling against courses of action deemed to be unwise, rather than focusing on any person. A "marking" infers that an actual individual is guilty of an anti-witness activity and could be construed as libellous.

  • Phizzy

    I remember years ago some knob-head JW's saying " I have marked so-and-so", and then taking pleasure in telling others why. If anyone came out with this to me I moved on and never asked why.

    This Cult is just so kiddies Playground in the way they act.

    Grow up JW's.

  • Xanthippe

    Anyway how does dating an unbeliever reflect badly on the congregation? In whose eyes? NonJWs don't care who you date.

  • schnell

    I remember years ago some knob-head JW's saying " I have marked so-and-so", and then taking pleasure in telling others why. If anyone came out with this to me I moved on and never asked why.

    This Cult is just so kiddies Playground in the way they act.

    Grow up JW's.


    At least kids know when someone needs a genuine ass-kicking. Thank god someone like that was available to declare the error of our ways, or where else would we be?

    Anyway how does dating an unbeliever reflect badly on the congregation? In whose eyes? NonJWs don't care who you date.

    In Jehovah's eyes, of course. ((O_O))

  • dogon

    Back in the 80s when it was popular in my area, it was used for those who were known to you personally to be not good association but if they were baptized there was no two witnesses to anything they had done so no disfellowshipping had taken place.. or if someone were not baptized and was not good association you marked them privately to avoid association with them. The more zealous idiots would take it to extremes so it was not publicly talked about once the witch trials had started up. It got so bad if you missed a few meetings some would mark you.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    There was a HUGE deal around here in the 90s (a town in NE Georgia), which resulted in a marking talk. It had to do with a conflict two guys had over a real estate deal. It went on for a long time.

    I didn't know many details of the scandal, but I did know the people that everyone was talking about. It was my first time to hear a marking talk. I did not understand what it all meant - mostly, what exactly were we supposed to do or NOT do?

    The sister I asked about it, told me that it was not appropriate to talk about any of it, and that if I didn't understand then it wasn't for me to worry about. The people who needed to know, WOULD understand the marking talk and they would know what to do.


    The other big flap was about whether the other congregation in the hall should "recognize" the marking or not. Many of the friends said Well he wasn't marked in MY congregation so I don't have to observe the marking.

    Is this BS worth the powder and piss it would take to blow it to hell.

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