Advance Notice: "Quotes" is moving

by Quotes 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quotes


    Don't worry, it isn't disappearing, but it will be moving; not just moving servers, but changing domain names. I NEED YOUR ADVICE and INPUT.

    WHY: Currently, the site is hosted by They own the "" domain, and I "rent" the Quotes subdomain from them. When I started doing this in 1998, the price was great, and the 5MB storage and "bare bones" HTML serving only features was adequate for my needs. Since then, the price has been steadily creeping up, and the 5MB storage is painfully small (of course you can have extra, but you have to pay for it), and I would really like to run this off a backend MySQL database, maybe.

    So it's time to move to a new web host, in order to get "more (features) for less (money)".

    Problem: Since NetIdentity owns "" I can not take it with me. That web property belongs to them. (Which reminds me, for a mere $24.95/yr, you could sign-up with them to be [email protected] or perhaps get the website But I digress.)

    Possible Solution: For a few years I have been the proud registrant/owner of (Go ahead and click it, see where you go! For those that don't know, the .CA top level domain means "Canada"). I think it makes sense that the new home of the Watchtower quotes should be at either or possibly or possibly something else? ***I AM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS****

    Timeline: TBA, but it will likely take a few months (just because I'm not in any rush, the old quotes subdomain is paid up until September 2004) but it will happen, eventually.

    What you should do: for now, just let me know if you have any suggestions about domain name (do you like, or is something else more to your liking?) You should also either buy me a beer or flash me (depending on your gender) the next time you see me... OK, sorry, just wanted to see if you were still reading. When the change actually happens, you will be be informed and you will want to update your links/shortcuts/bookmarks. But we are not at that stage just yet.

    The floor is open.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My personal preference would be

    You should also either buy me a beer or flash me (depending on your gender) the next time you see me...
    well guess that means I should flash you but not wanting your very adept mind to turn to petrified slop at the sight the will have to suffice

    absolutely and at anytime.

    Dunno how all this web hosting etc., works.


    If it helps, considering you're in the G.T.A. (Greater Toronto Area), check out my ISP:

    They do some cool stuff, and it's reasonable too.

    I probably have one of the most reasonable DSL connections for $37.40 per month (unlimited, taxes included) in the GTA.

    If you are interested in contacting them, let me know (PM me).


    **PS: To Add, I like the ( .ca) too.

  • AJN
    My personal preference would be

    Mine too :)

  • Euphemism

    Another vote for The URL should reflect what the site is about.

  • Quotes

    Thanks for the input. So far the "leading horse" is

    I agree, the URL should reflect the content. So, just to get people thinking: is "quotes" the best, most descriptive name for this type of site?

    Hmmmm... a quick check of for "quote":

    1 a : to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment b : to repeat a passage from especially in substantiation or illustration

    That does sound appropriate. I guess I should not 2nd guess myself!

    Still, I'm open to creative new suggestions: what about ? or

    Anyone have any other suggestions/ideas?

  • Simon

    Yeah, I think "" is good too - "quotes" is what the site is known as after all !

    I'll PM you about some hosting ideas.

  • cyberguy

    You can always think about an alternate name. How about "" Anyway, it doesn?t really matter, does it? since you can submit such a site to Google, et., al.! Just my 2-cents. Wish you the best! Love your site!

  • Panda
  • blondie

    Another vote for http//

    It's too bad you can't keep jehovah in the title. I just want to be sure it comes up in the top five in Google when using "quotes, jehovah."

    Great site! I use it all the time at work when I'm away from my PC and the WT-CD.


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