Churches helping neighbors instead of JW"s

by life is to short 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Last week where I live we had the worst wind storm in the history of our area. We had gust of 71 miles an hour from 3 in the afternoon till 8 at night. It was like a hurricane at times the wind did sound like a freight train. I would say 70 percent of the city lost power at some point. Huge trees went down, many homes have been damaged if not destroyed. It is a week later and many still do not have power.

    Now my husband is an active JW and in all fairness I got a call on my cell phone the night of the storm telling me the meeting was canceled which to tell the truth kind of surprised me as the meeting usually goes on no matter what and why on my cell phone I do not know as I do not attend anymore. And the next day I got a text asking if we were OK by one of the not the brightest elders on the block.

    So we spent the weekend helping a neighbor remove some tree parts from her yard and while we were working outside this man was going door to door handing out a flyers, he was really friendly but looked tired. It turned out he was from a church that is about two miles from out home that had power and the members had gotten together and made soup and were opening their door to everyone who wanted to get a hot meal and charge up their phones, etc.

    I just thought what a difference between JW's and the world that they hate and slam at every chance they get. I have had to drive by the KH many times this week on my way to work and every time there are cars there with ones going DTD to people without power and yet this church opens their doors to strangers while JW's just bug people who are already stressed out.

    It just reminds me of the scripture that was drilled into my head as a child "By their fruits YOU will recognize them."

    The differences of love that the world shows compared to JW's is so huge. I am so tired this week after everything we have been through this last we we finally got back internet, etc Sunday night but there are still people without power right now and it is below freezing here yet the JW's have their meeting tonight as the show must go on.

    It is such a cult and the lack of love is so clear, I do not understand why people stay.


  • PaintedToeNail
    LITS-Not surprising for the JW's not to be helping their neighbors in a physical manner. The standard line is something like 'We bring a message of lasting hope to real problems' crap instead of actually getting their hands dirty and helping neighbors. If the KH did something like the local church, there would probably be a memo from NY advising 'the proper use of Kingdom Halls being only a place for worship, not for assistance to those in need'.
  • berrygerry

    WT official position - "If you want to help people, the best way is by going door-to-door with the Kingdom message."


    Always stuck in my craw.

    A few meetings ago, Sister Uber Pioneer parrots these words.

    Makes me want to vomit (amongst other things).

  • Bangalore

    The Watchtower viewpoint.

    *** w51 11/1 pp. 643-644 Charity in Christendom ***

    Charity in Christendom

    ‘IT WAS the night before Christmas,’ and just as surely as the season, every busy street throughout the nations of Christendom was crowded with its share of “Santa Clauses”, collection drums and charity criers. For weeks in advance hospitals, foundling homes, religious and philanthropic organizations had raised their pleading voices. Newspapers, radio and television issued forcible reminders of the time of year. Like a new hat in spring, charity was trotted out and modeled for all it was worth. Prominent citizens and politicians took the lead in demonstrating the mode of the day. Religious heads stood by and applauded. The average man was expected to follow the leader and do his bit.

    Then the day after Christmas dawned. The stores were jammed again—this time with people exchanging their gifts. But the streets were barren of “Santa Clauses”, of collection drums and their criers. Press and radio pleas let up. Tension eased. Charity went temporarily out of fashion. Prominent persons and politicians could derive little publicity from further giving. The clergy sought other means of filling church pews. The poor man’s pockets were empty. So charity retired to await the fanfare of its next entrance cue.

    Can any seriously deny this graphic description of Christendom’s “holiday spirit”? Of the charity-boasting clergy of his day, who behind the scenes schemed for the substance of poor widows, Christ Jesus said: “Look out for the scribes that desire to walk around in robes and desire greetings in the marketplaces and front seats in the synagogues and most prominent places at evening meals. They are the ones devouring the houses of the widows and for a pretext making long prayers; these will receive a heavier judgment.”—Mark 12:38-40, NW.

    Then, noting the temple contributions of the rich and prominent and seeing in their midst a poor widow, and noting her offering, Jesus observed: “Truly I say to you that this poor widow dropped in more than all those dropping money into the treasury chests; for they all dropped in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, dropped in all of what she had, her whole living.”—Mark 12:43, 44, NW.

    Please note that Jesus condemned, not the giving, but giving for sake of show. It is so evident that the well-to-do and the politicians choose the most prominent incidents of charity to popularize their gifts “out of their surplus”.

    A train derails and crashes into the headlines. Or perhaps a factory explosion covers the front page. On such occasions or when flood, fire, earthquake or windstorm make many homeless and rob others of life or limb, as surely as the press is there to report it, so will other familiar figures turn up. The community chest will be there, the Red Cross with its blood bank will be there, priests fully outfitted with pious face and last rites will be there and politicians will rush back from a Florida vacation so that they can be there—all to offer charitable help.

    But let the disaster be on a smaller scale where the returns in publicity are not so promising; then the widely acclaimed charitable organizations do not flock to the scene. It is clear that they choose the publicized tragedies, that their giving may be publicized along with the event. The motive of attention and credit perches plainly on their every “good deed”. Contributors to the community chest receive a red feather; to the Red Cross, a button; to disabled war veterans, a poppy. A religious cardinal is considered a particularly appropriate individual to open a charity drive. He is photographed performing his contribution act, then his benign generosity is re-echoed from coast to coast through the newspapers reporting it. Sometimes it seems as if such figures scheme to see how little they can give and yet receive the maximum credit, praise and attention. Finally, after all of the shouting is over, greedy charity racketeers move in to scoop up the lion’s share, leaving only scraps for the supposed objects of the “charity”.

    With a view to the purpose of true charity, Jesus said: “Take good care not to practice your righteousness in front of men in order to be observed by them; otherwise you will have no reward with your Father who is in the heavens. Hence when you start making gifts of mercy, do not blow a trumpet ahead of you, just as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be glorified by men. Truly I say to you, They are having their reward in full. But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, that your gifts of mercy may be in secret; then your Father who is looking on in secret will repay you.”—Matt. 6:1-4, NW.

    In Jesus’ time it was customary for prominent Jews to be announced by the blast of a trumpet as they made public donations at the temple in Jerusalem. Without equivocation it can be seen how Jesus condemned this. Today’s givers in charity do not stop with a little trumpet. Their beneficent works must be boomed to the skies in the press, over the radio, on the newsreels and now by television. Not only their other hand, but the whole world must know what they are doing. Feathers, buttons, flowers and stickers label those who gave to this or that. Some business establishments and schools almost reach a state of frenzy to obtain a 100 per cent employee or attendance subscription to a current welfare drive of civic prominence. But of what avail such public display of righteousness? Nothing other than to be glorified by men—and that, said Jesus, was all the reward they would ever get.

    Nothing more than the modern example of “charity” by nations shows the emptiness of such vain display. The United States let India lie in unparalleled famine for months, deaf to her cries for bread, while strutting her generosity before nations of more political significance.

    Jesus advocated using one’s substance for preaching the good news of God’s kingdom. (Matt. 19:21, NW) He specifically prohibited advertising his acts of mercy in curing the sick when the only return would mean self-credit to him personally. (Luke 5:12-14; 8:49-56) On one occasion the apostles Peter and John caused a lame man to walk rather than heed his request for money, which they explained they did not have for that purpose.—Acts 3:1-8.

    Today Christians carry on the most charitable work of all history. Their preaching of ‘this good news of the Kingdom in all the inhabited earth for a witness’ brings spiritual healing to new praisers of God.—Matt. 24:14, NW.


  • Divergent


    *** w51 11/1 pp. 643-644 Charity in Christendom ***
    A train derails and crashes into the headlines. Or perhaps a factory explosion covers the front page. On such occasions or when flood, fire, earthquake or windstorm make many homeless and rob others of life or limb, as surely as the press is there to report it, so will other familiar figures turn up. The community chest will be there, the Red Cross with its blood bank will be there, priests fully outfitted with pious face and last rites will be there and politicians will rush back from a Florida vacation so that they can be there—all to offer charitable help.

    But let the disaster be on a smaller scale where the returns in publicity are not so promising; then the widely acclaimed charitable organizations do not flock to the scene. It is clear that they choose the publicized tragedies, that their giving may be publicized along with the event. The motive of attention and credit perches plainly on their every “good deed”. Contributors to the community chest receive a red feather; to the Red Cross, a button; to disabled war veterans, a poppy. A religious cardinal is considered a particularly appropriate individual to open a charity drive. He is photographed performing his contribution act, then his benign generosity is re-echoed from coast to coast through the newspapers reporting it. Sometimes it seems as if such figures scheme to see how little they can give and yet receive the maximum credit, praise and attention. Finally, after all of the shouting is over, greedy charity racketeers move in to scoop up the lion’s share, leaving only scraps for the supposed objects of the “charity”.

    It's ironic that the WT does not offer any physical help at all, yet criticizes those who do!

    Jesus advocated using one’s substance for preaching the good news of God’s kingdom. (Matt. 19:21, NW) He specifically prohibited advertising his acts of mercy in curing the sick when the only return would mean self-credit to him personally. (Luke 5:12-14; 8:49-56) On one occasion the apostles Peter and John caused a lame man to walk rather than heed his request for money, which they explained they did not have for that purpose.—Acts 3:1-8.

    They completely miss the point that Jesus & the apostles offered practical help - curing the sick, healing the lame, etc. What practical help do JW's offer to those in their community? The "preaching work" does not count as it is neither practical nor helpful. In times of crisis, people need immediate physical help, not delayed help that is supposed to come at an unknown time! Telling people that God would destroy 99.99% of the world's population to solve mankind's problems & that the only way to be saved is to become a JW but even then salvation is not guaranteed - that is supposed to be good news??? What a depressing message!

  • jhine

    As a member of " Christendom " I don't even know where to start with that that !!

    Does Stephen King work for the writing dept. ?



    You know a tree by it's fruits. JW fruits are non existent. There is NO SUCH THING as a JW fruit. So, the WTS will try to corrupt the fruits of others and call them hypocrites.

    Fruits that the evil Catholic church produce seem to be lasting. For example universities, hospitals, orphanages, food banks, battered women shelters, etc make it the largest charity on the planet, yet somehow the WTS says that it's just a photo op. What a CULT!

    My brainwashed nephew told me that 'You don't paint the rooms of the titanic"

    Really? If it is in dock preparing for it;s journey, then you paint all of the rooms, don;t you?

    Don't get me wrong, if there are 3 months left before the world ends, then by all means, save as many as you can with the gospel, but if there are 3 years or more before, then people NEED things to survive. Feed the poor, comfort the mourning, provide shelter and protection to those who have the greatest need. How do people buy into this bullsh&t?

    just asking

  • Room 215
    Room 215
    As deplorable as its content and message is, it's nonetheless an impressive piece of writing...a graphic example of how much the content of their current literature has deteriorated. at least that 1951 item quite plausibly rated comparison to Stephen King, jhine!
  • punkofnice
    JWs are conditioned to only give money to the watchtower corporation. When you see their vile propaganda cartoon where Sofia(tm) gives money to the corporation rather than buy an ice cream...............think!!
  • Saved_JW
    @Life short, are you in Spokane? if so that's where I am!

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