Should jws go surfing?

by badboy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    I understand that it has pagan religious connections.

    There4 should a jw use a surf board or surf electronically in view of surfing pagan origins?

  • avishai

    Yeah, when I lived in hawaii, you could tell when the waves were going off by meeting attendance.

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Only with a modest bathing suit.

  • Elsewhere
  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Someday, I'm sure there will be some "new light" which will give the green light to JW surfers.

  • Gerard

    Why surf when you can dive? Skydiver

  • Eyebrow2

    The congregation I was in, in NH...where the beautiful atlantic is ALWAYS cold, hahah...we had a ton of surfers.

    As long as they made their publishing quotas and were at the hall, the elders could care less

  • shamus

    I think that all witnesses should live in holes in the ground. So there!

  • Stefanie

    Thats retarded I dont see why they cant sky dive or surf. They shouldnt have so much control over what people can and cannot do. I cant belive i was so involved in such an uptight "organization"


  • Turnpike Mike
    Turnpike Mike

    I don't see the borg stopping surfing anytime soon. Although I could be wrong.

    I once got counciled for going on one of those Sky Coasters at amusement parks. You know the one's that you are strapped into a harness and then they pull you up to the top and you pull a rip cord and freefall to earth and then just swing there until you stop.

    I was told it was the same as bungee jumping. Geeeez!!

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