Random Thought on Drugs/Tobacco Being Sinful Under JW Doctrine

by neverendingjourney 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • neverendingjourney

    A friend of mine was telling me about her recent trip to Peru. She said she had trouble with the altitude in certain areas of Peru but the locals offered her a tea derived from the coca leaf and that helped tremendously with her symptoms.

    I began to think about how I would have handled the situation as a JW given that coca contains an alkaloid that is used to produce cocaine. In its natural form, the content is very low and the locals use it as a stimulant similar to coffee.

    However, as a JW I would have probably refused to drink it viewing it as something similar to a product derived from tobacco leaves. I'm not sure if there's an official WT policy on this tea, but my instinct tells me there probably is.

    So that led me to the next thought, prescription pain medications are often opiates and differ from heroin only in their dosage (from what I understand). However, they are quite common and I'm not aware of the WT having any doctrines against the use of prescription opiates.

    If prescription opiates are okay, why would medicinal marijuana not be okay? If marijuana were legalized, would the JWs allow its use if recommended by a physician? Almost certainly not. It seems they're backed into an illogical corner on that one and it's not something I had ever spent much time thinking about.

    What's the line and when does a substance go from being okay to sinful because it harms the body? What is it about drug use that's sinful? Obviously, the Bible doesn't address marijuana, cocaine or any other modern drugs. Is it the illegality? If so, why is tobacco sinful? Is it its long-term health consequences? If so, why aren't all-you-can-eat buffets sinful?

    This was the kind of thing I would just let "Mother" decide when I was a JW because the GB is God's channel or whatever, but it doesn't make any sense when you start trying to break it down.

    Anyway, just a random thought that entered my mind over a decade after I stopped being a JW.

  • redvip2000

    All based on perception. Why would a tea from tobacco leaves be considered wrong? I'm not even sure most JDrones would follow you down that path. It's just tea...

    JDrones simply follow the idiotic logic of governments when it comes to drugs. Just arbitrary garbage on what constitutes illegal drugs vs legal drugs vs naturals drugs.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's my understanding that medically prescribed marijuana is OK to use -- PRESCRIBED, as in a Doctor.

    I am curious about the coca-tea. It seems like chewing coca leafs has been addressed in the WT publications as "wrong", just as use of tobacco is "wrong" (according to WTS doctrine).

    Personally I would see it spin it as no different than "tea" produced by water flowing through ground, roasted "tea" seeds (coffee beans). Of course, coffee/caffeine is a different matter.

  • truth_b_known

    Watchtower dogma on tobacco and narcotics use is dogma. Tobacco use is prohibited as it is "unclean" and the body is a "temple to worship Jehovah". Illegal narcotics are shunned because the Greek word for "spiritism" translated into "druggery". Supposedly use of narcotics "opens your mind up to the demons".

    I know chewing on betel but has been denounced by the Watchtower. I would imagine drinking tea from the coca plant would be viewed similarly even though it is nothing like snorting several lines of cocaine. I would be surprised if marijuana use that is prescribed by a doctor in a state that it is legal is accepted by the Watchtower. I would imagine that it's all purely an image thing when it comes to using the Devil's lettuce.

  • 2+2=5

    Their double standards are glaring.

    So many JWs are overweight, live mostly sedentary lifestyles and consume far more than healthy amounts of alcohol. Prescription meds are consumed like tic tacs.

    Cannabis is food, fuel, invaluable as a resource and a medicine.

    Education is key. Hemp seed is omega 3 and 6 but also minerals and 30%protein by weight. Don’t fear “marijuana”. Embrace cannabis it’s the future of the planet.

  • neverendingjourney
    All based on perception. Why would a tea from tobacco leaves be considered wrong? I'm not even sure most JDrones would follow you down that path. It's just tea...

    I suspect you're right, but it's because as JWs we were taught to turn off our logical thinking and accept JW doctrine unquestioningly and become unwavering advocates for JW teachings. If there hasn't been a WT article condemning it, then why worry about it?

    I was not your typical JW in that regard. I wanted things to make sense. That's what eventually led me to wake up. There were far too many things that didn't add up and I couldn't keep repressing the doubts.

    For example, I remember panicking about dental procedures because my gums might bleed and I might unwillingly swallow my own blood. I don't know of too many other witnesses who even gave that a second thought.

  • neverendingjourney
    It's my understanding that medically prescribed marijuana is OK to use -- PRESCRIBED, as in a Doctor.

    I'm curious about this. If this is true, this would be a big deviation from the JW organization I used to be a part of.

  • scratchme1010
    However, as a JW I would have probably refused to drink it viewing it as something similar to a product derived from tobacco leaves. I'm not sure if there's an official WT policy on this tea, but my instinct tells me there probably is.

    As a JW you have no saying on anything, including simple on-the-spot decisions that every single adult in their right mind can/should do for themselves, like choosing tea based on herbs that you might or might not know of.

    The WT and the JWs have one simple policy, which is "You don't have a saying in your own life".

  • neverendingjourney
    So many JWs are overweight, live mostly sedentary lifestyles and consume far more than healthy amounts of alcohol. Prescription meds are consumed like tic tacs.

    A few obese elders and regular pioneers immediately come to mind. Fat, lazy, gluttonous, but there's no real precedent in the religion to discipline JWs for gluttony (that I'm aware of). They'd lose a significant portion of their regular pioneer base if they treated gluttony the same way they do other major "sins."

    I've heard that prescription opiates are a big problem in WT Land now. It's not surprising. JWs are part of the community at large and it's a huge problem in poor, rural America, where JWs are the strongest.

  • joe134cd

    About the coca leaf thing. I have been to Bolivia, and was offered coca leaf tea as a drink while eating lunch in an elders home. I questioned him about it and he likened it to taking aspirin. Coca leaves have been used by the Indians for many years, and he certainly had no problem with it.

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