Joanie the Jehovah's Witness Stripper

by blondie 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • VeniceIT

    <b>Joanie the Jehovah Witness Stripper
    Paul Thorn</b>

    She drives a new car
    wears expensive blouses
    she tells her momma she's cleaning houses

    She goes out witnessing
    doing the lords work all week
    but on the weekend
    she's making ends meet

    Joanie the Jehovah witness stripper
    put a dollar in her g string and she'll deliver
    if her daddy only knew he'd probly kill her
    Joanie the Jehovah's witness stripper

    One night down at the club
    her daddy walked in
    he didn't recognizee his daughter dancing
    she wore a blonde wig he had sunglasses
    when she got naked he started clapping

    Joanie the Jehovah witness stripper
    put a dollar in her g string and she'll deliver
    if her daddy only knew he'd probly kill her
    Joanie the Jehovah's witness stripper

    If you ask her why she does it
    she looks at it this way
    she says I'm counting my blessings
    every night when I get paid
    she once lived in poverty and now everything's all right
    the lord showed her how to make a thousand dollars a night

    Joanie the Jehovah witness stripper
    put a dollar in her g string and she'll deliver
    if her daddy only knew he'd probly kill her
    Joanie the Jehovah's witness stripper

  • Eyebrow2

    too funny, hahah

    I have to send this to my siblings hahaha

    thank you!

  • NukePoet
    Eman said: I was just eating a Magnum ice cream and I laughed so hard that I dropped it down in my lap.

    Seems like Eman could have found a new and exciting way to use one of these:alt

    Burrr is it chilly in here?

  • SixofNine

    Here's a link to another great Paul Thorn song, the man has a wry sense of humor.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I first heard that song a couple of years ago. I burned myself a copy and played it all the time. Not every witness I knew found it amusing but they had to listen to it.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Thanks for posting the lyrics. I didn't really feel like downloading the MP3 on my slow, 56K connection.

    That is pretty funny and ironic.

  • blondie

    Now this is a Kingdom Song people would look forward to singing.

  • blondie


    a different song for the season

  • morty

    OMG Blondie......lmao..

    That was soooo funny.....

    The whole family heard it and died laughing at it as wellPurple Smiles


  • hillary_step

    Strangely enough I know of a JW in recent times who did indeed become a stripper while still a JW. It was quite strange as she would be coming to all the meetings except the Thursday evening one. It became apparent after a while that she was working in a downtown club as an 'exotic dancer' while her husband took care of the Literature counter at the KH. She was eventually DF'd.

    In a typical WTS hypocritical inconsitency, she was turned in by a young JW buck who furtively slipped into the club one night 'for a quick drink' and spotted her grinning apishly and writhing around a brass pole stark naked. It seems he did not mind looking at naked 'wordly' women, but looking at a JW who had just given a student talk at the KH was too much for his dissonant state to bear.


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